74 / 7
29th Sep 2017
29th Sep 2017
And there we go! Once I - finally - finished Nuka-World for the Raiders, I decided to get around to making this! Have a good one! UPDATE: Sweet Pagan, I got on Front Page! Thank you all so much!
guns automatkalash ak47 svddragunov glory2arstotzka fallout


  • HankTheHaybot
    18th May 2021
    "handmade rifle" i knew it was gonna ne Fallout xD
  • knollkantar
    11th Mar 2018
    this seems rather familiar to me... anyone remember thespazz?
  • Pootis137
    11th Oct 2017
    WarfareRyan: It takes a lot of retardation to make me mad.
  • Pootis137
    11th Oct 2017
    "If you do not agree, do us both a favor and leave me alone." is immature. You seem like you're out for a flame war. I won't participate, though.
  • WarfareRyan
    6th Oct 2017
    @987tails By all rights, the two saves are largely different already. Also, I cannot change the save substantially and retain the content that is currently present. (If that's actually what you're talking about.) Also, Pootis137 and textual opponents, please chill. This ain't a save for arguing; it's a save about a gun from a game.
  • Sil
    5th Oct 2017
    @Pootis137 Alright, sure. You said "to me the front page is the one with the awesome saves that are extremely popular." and that's fine, sure. What you call the "spotlight page" is officialy referred to as the front page though. The way you ended that message also made you seem really immature. Try working on your attitude a bit.
  • Pootis137
    5th Oct 2017
    omfg. I've been playing this game for years now, to me the front page is the one with the awesome saves that are extremely popular. If you do not agree, do us both a favor and leave me alone.
  • 987tails
    5th Oct 2017
    ryan, the simularities of this save compared to this one are way too collective. maybe change it a bit? idk man. +1
  • ibx_Hellcat
    4th Oct 2017
    @Pootis137 it is referred to as front page though as it is the first page when loading the saves screen. The front page u r talking about is barely ever referred to because everyone knows those saves already. #Learn TPT language
  • Pootis137
    4th Oct 2017
    Also, this is not the front page... this is just the spotlight page. The front page is where all of the saves with thousands of votes are. I guess the devs wanted to give everyone a fair chance so they added this spotlight for new saves that are popular.