27th Aug 2017
11th Nov 2017
8 hours. This is only midtown. (Destroyable -_-)
Let's just appreciate the effort put into this. This is really good! Maybe you, or someone else, could recreate it with the proper materials using deco.
No one commented it since... end of August? Nevermind. I didn't used any building from Nler's NY and even when I would use it, I would credit Nler...
@ 987tails. but ... all the buildings were made by hand. I did not use Nler's buildings.
Okay, since when did taking something, rebuilding it and making sure it's not the same count as possible copying?
i can assure you @unusual. you didnt use your head complely. this may be your version of newyork but a few of the buildings were improved/edited from these saves: 456848, 495376 and 620655. now i may not be correct. but this is aweful suspicious and it even brings me to why you didnt give a lil credit to nler...
Doesn't the Empire State building get struck by lightning 100 times a year? (Goes into save, strikes Empire State building with lightning. Explodes.) Ah, unrealistic :) lol, jk. Nice save.
Ahh, the city that never sleeps. Would love to go there one day.
Unusual14: i dont know
@Unusual Probably the same guy who tagged saves "downwithcthulhu" -.-