6 / 0
19th Aug 2013
19th Aug 2013
this is to explain what fallout is. I made this after looking for a fallout bunker, only to find many "fallout bunkers" that protected stickmen from a nuke (they had put nukes into the save right next to the "fallout bunkers").


  • cath0licguy
    5th May 2016
    i expected the video game. i am dissapoint
  • jotabeas
    9th Dec 2013
    I am currently working on a fallout bomb, a "dirty nuke". I am trying to make it spread ISOZ and some URAN as well as a smaller neutron blast. If I finish it one of those days, I'll give you the ID.
  • Vinayak
    8th Dec 2013
    And it's also some leftover radioactive materials from the blast. I just get so irritated when people say wrong things! XD
  • robogeek537
    24th Aug 2013
    yup. you are right (comment too short)
  • Texasboy01
    20th Aug 2013
    fallout can also be the soil kicked up by the blast which i think becomes radioactive from the nuetrons