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这个分类包含16种元素,其中14种是真实存在的墙。墙是不可摧毁的。 注意:某些东西,例如BRAY(从ARAY内射出)可以穿过墙。这是因为这种元素不会检查墙,它不能真正地在墙里出现。LIGH也一样。

Wall Erase.png Erase wall (擦除墙)

描述: 擦除墙。

阻挡: N/A

允许通过: N/A

特别属性: N/A

Conductor Wall.png Conductive wall (通电墙)

描述: 阻挡除了电以外的任何东西。可导电。

阻挡: 所有东西


特别属性: 允许 SPRK 通过。对于 ARAY 透明。

E-Wall.png E-wall

描述: "E-Wall。 通电时变得透明。"

阻挡: 见特别属性。

允许通过: 见特别属性。

特别属性: 在没有通电时就像Wall (墙),在通电时就像 Conductor(导电器)。

Detector.png Detector (探测器)

描述: "Detector。 有粒子在里面时会发出电流。"


允许通过: 所有

特别属性: 当有一个粒子在里面时会像导电墙一样输出电流。这种墙也可用于导电。 在导电时,它会发出橙光。

Streamline.png Streamline (风线)

描述: "风线。 设置风线的起始端点。"

阻挡: N/A

允许通过: N/A

特别属性: 显示TPT中气压的变化。和别的墙不同,刷子的大小不会影响风线的放置。

Fan.png Fan

描述: "Fan. Accelerates Air. Use the line tool to set direction and strength."

阻挡: Nothing

允许通过: Everything

特别属性: Creates pressure and airflow. To use, place the wall where you need it, while you still have the Fan wall selected hold shift, click on the wall then drag in the direction you want air to flow.

Fan gives stickmen the ability to shoot out air, just like it would an element. Its head will turn light blue, and it will get overridden by any other element it touches.

Liquid Conductor Wall.png Liquid Permeable

描述: "Blocks most particles but lets liquids through. Conductive."

阻挡: Gases, Powders and Solids

允许通过: Liquid Elements, Pressure

特别属性: Only allows liquids to pass through it, Also conducts SPRK to anything conductive

Absorb Wall.png Absorbing wall

描述: "Absorbs particles but lets air currents through."

阻挡: Nothing, it eats them instead

允许通过: Pressure

特别属性: Absorbs all particles that enter its space.

Wall.png Wall

描述: "Basic wall, blocks everything."

阻挡: Everything

允许通过: Nothing

Special N/A

Air Wall.png Non-permeable wall

描述: "Allows air, but blocks all particles."

阻挡: All particles of any state

允许通过: Pressure

Solid-Only Wall.png Powder-Permeable

描述: "Allows powders, blocks all other particles."

阻挡: Anything not a powder, except FIRE, SMKE and CO2

允许通过: Powders, FIRE, SMKE, CO2

Special Allows only powders.

Allow Conductor Wall.png Conductor

描述: "Allows all particles to pass through and conducts electricity."

阻挡: Nothing

允许通过: Everything

特别属性: Conducts SPRK to anything conductive.

E-Hole.png E-Hole

描述: "E-Hole. Absorbs particles, releases them when powered."

允许通过: See Special

阻挡: See Special

:Special: Holds particles in place until electrified, releases them when electrified. Forms Black Holes when too much mass is put into it.

Gas Wall.png Gas permeable wall

描述: "Allows gasses, blocks all other particles."

阻挡: Liquids, Solids and Powders.

允许通过: Gasses and Pressure

特别属性: This wall does allow FIRE as well.

Gravity Wall.png Gravity wall

描述: "Gravity wall. Newtonian Gravity has no effect inside a box drawn with this."

阻挡: Newtonian gravity.

允许通过: Allows all particles

特别属性: If you make a box using gravity wall, then Newtonian gravity has no effect inside the box. It does not block how things like pressure are blocked, it just sets the gravity of all things inside the box to 0.

When a stickman/fighter makes contact, small purple rocket boots appear (Or what other call jetpacks), giving that person the ability to fly by ejecting hot plasma downwards. A stickman can still use another element, but cannot walk or "jump" without creating plasma, making troublesome to walk across flammable materials. A stickman cannot be hurt by plasma when it has a jetpack on, but will still be hurt by heat.

Controls: ^ arrow key: up < arrow key: left > arrow key: right <> simultaneously held down: Brake (Slowly goes down)

Energy Wall.png Energy Wall

描述: Allows energy particles, blocks all other particles.

阻挡: Everything except energy particles.

允许通过: All energy particles. At the moment, these are PHOT, NEUT, ELEC, and PROT

特别属性: N/A