Notable users
Some users have become 'famous' for their work on The Powder Toy. Others are developers working towards a better Powder Toy. The list is:
- Simon (admin) - Deceased
- Skylark (original game creator)
- AntB (Xenocide)
- cracker64
- jacksonmj
- savask
- triclops200
- jacob1
- mniip
See git stats:
- AntB (Xenocide)
- cracker64
- Yew101
- Jakester12345
- Vanadium
- Landerb01
- Mur
- Pizzaplatypus
- Merbo (gamerboy8864)
- Diissaster
- Me4502
- TheTempest
- randalserrano
- tommig
- jacob1
- firefreak11
- Fast-Driver
To contact a specific moderator, click one of the links below to go to their profile, then click "Send Message". Some moderators are less active than others, so if you don't get a reply within a day or two, try a different one. The ones in the top half are more active than the ones on the bottom, who may not even be active at all. This isn't a direct most active list though.
For reporting saves that are against the rules, or for other rule breaking related to saves, such as offensive tags or comments, it's best to use the report button in the game. All moderators can see reports, so reports tend to get a quicker response than a private message.
You can also use IRC to contact a moderator. Moderators are voiced on IRC (on webchat, this means that they have a "+" next to their name). Webchat: See Irc setup for more details. This is the fastest way to get a response from anyone, other people besides moderators may be able to help you too.