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There are some special elements, with them you can heat other particles, clone particles and yes, Stickman!
"These elements generally don't fit into any other category, and have special properties."
=== [[File:CLNE.png|CLONE]] Clone ===
=== [[File:NONE.png|X]] [[Element:NONE|Eraser]]  ===
Solid. Clone particles.
"Erases particles."
Clone particles basically make endless copies of the first other particle they make contact with.
These particles have a special variable for remembering what the last thing they touched was, and this is preserved in stamps/saves, meaning you can transport working clone particles into tight spaces if you work carefully. If you draw over any clone type with the brush, it will clone the element you had selected instead.
This is used to delete particles on the screen. It is the default action set for button 2 (right-click).
To erase signs or walls, you must use the sign tool or the wall eraser respectively.
...Clone particles are also transparent to photons, meaning they act like Glass to them. This is useful for making lasers.
=== [[File:CLNE.png|CLONE]] [[Element:CLNE|Clone]]  ===
"Solid. Duplicates any particles it touches."
=== [[File:BCLN.png|BCLN]] Breakable Clone  ===
Same as clone, but breakable under pressure (like goo).
Cadmium Yellow
=== [[File:STKM.png|STKM]] Stickman  ===
These particles have a special variable, ctype, for remembering what the last thing they touched was. If you draw over any clone with the brush, it will set the ctype to your currently selected element.
Stickman. Don't kill him.
Experiment with the harsh conditions possible on the powder toy using your own mortal stick man! He is affected by gravity and air.
Photons can pass through all types of CLNE (and BCLN) particles.
Use the left and right arrow keys to make him run, and use the up key to make him jump. The legs still are slightly glitchy but have considerably improved. Occasionally, his feet may stretch to outrageous lengths and then proceed to throw him violently about and even through solids.
=== [[File:VOID.png|VOID]] [[Element:VOID|Void]]  ===
"Hole. Will drain away any particles"
By touching stickman's head against an element (or particular walls) his head will change color, and then by pressing Down he'll spit out that element. Note that it you place his head against a metal, he will spark the metal. This feature enables stickmen to use electronics.
Dark red
Stickman sinks in water, but he can technically swim.
Void deletes any particles that fall into it, similarly to to the edge of the screen. However, it cannot delete solid particles, even if they are pushed into it with piston.  
He can eat CLST
One relatively unknown feature of VOID is that if you set its ctype to an element, it will only destroy that element. However, this can only be done with PROP or the console, you cannot draw over it like CLNE.
Extreme hot or cold will eat away at Stickman's health, and extreme pressure (about pressure =8.00) will instantly liquefy him by forming a mound of the powder that his head is made of. He isn't affected by extreme vacuum. Radioactive elements and life elements also damage and kill him, and anything else that seems dangerous (like acid or fire).
=== [[File:DMND.png|DMND]] [[Element:DMND|Diamond]]  ===
"Diamond, Indestructible."
By touching him against plant, he will regenerate lost health, the limit being 100 health points.
NOTE: Except when you change his life in the console: !set life stkm (life here)
=== [[File:VENT.png|VENT]] Air Vent ===
Normally can't be destroyed, even with things that destroy everything else, like BOMB.
Solid. Generates pressure and push particles away.
It will only be destroyed if it gets pushed off the screen, is inside a wall that absorbs solids, or is overwritten with another element by DRAY.
DMND is commonly used to contain high temperature, high pressure, or other destructive elements. However, it should only be used as a last resort, because there are many, more creative ways, to contain destructive elements.
Vent generates constant pressure on any space it occupies, meaning you can flood fill areas to pressurize them. However otherwise it's effectively just like Diamond.
=== [[File:VACU.png|VACU]] [[Element:VACU|Vacuum]]  ===
"Vacuum, sucks in other particles and heats up."
In versions 45 and beyond, it can be destroyed by [[explosives| Bomb]]
=== [[File:VACU.png|VACU]] Vacuum ===
Vacuum acts the same as VOID, except it creates negative pressure, and also heats up as it sucks in particles.
Solid. Generates negative pressure and heats up by sucking particles.
Vacuum generates constant negative pressure on any space it occupies, meaning you can use flood fill to vacuum whole areas out.
=== [[File:VENT.png|VENT]] [[Element:VENT|Air Vent]] ===
"Air vent, creates pressure and pushes other particles away."
Vacuum acts like Void otherwise, and absorbs any particles that are moving into it (but NOT particles that are simply touching it. It's possible to line black hole with other elements provided they don't move into it.)
Make special note that Vacuum gains heat whenever it consumes anything.
Generates pressure
Since version 45, it can be destroyed by [[explosives| Bomb]]
=== [[File:STKM.png|STKM]] [[Element:STKM|Stickman]]  ===
"Stickman. Don't kill him! control with the arrow keys"
=== [[File:CONV.png|CONV]] Converter  ===
Use the left and right arrow keys to move, and up to jump. By touching the stickman's head against an element its head will change color, and then by pressing Down it'll spit out that element. Note that it you place its head against a metal, then press Down, it will spark the metal. This feature enables stickmen to use electronics, or even guns.
Solid, changes any particle it touches into it's ctype except diamond.
Set the ctype of the CONV by either drawing over the CONV with the desired particle, or you can type in the console: !set ctype CONV (desired ctype).
STKM can have rocket boots equipped when it passes through the gravity wall. Press [up] on the arrow keys to control its altitude. Press [left] or [right] to control its horizontal velocity. To brake, press [left] and [right] at the same time. To deactivate rocket boots, Let the stickman go through E-HOLE. Rocket boots fire plasma, and make the stickman temporarily immune to plasma (but not heat).
The ctype is also changed into the first particle it touches.
Stickman are hurt by heat above 51.85C (325K) or below -29.15C (244K). Each stickmen starts with 100hp, and as they are damaged this decreases until 0, where the stickman dies and explodes into a pile of DUST. They are also killed instantly by extreme positive pressure.
STKM is hurt by many dangerous elements, some examples are:
and by elements that destroy all particles:
VOID, VACU, PVOD, BHOL, BOMB (only if the middle of the head is inside the blast)
PLNT will restore STKM's health
=== [[File:INSL.png|INSL]] Insulator  ===
Only one STKM can be on the screen at a time, and if it dies, it will reappear at the SPWN pixel. There can normally only be one pixel of SPWN on the screen at a time, and it is created when you place a STKM (the "STKM" menu item actually creates SPWN!)
Solid. Insulate heat and current.
Insulator neither absorbs nor releases heat to other elements, meaning it can be used to prevent extremely hot things from burning things that are sensitive to heat. A single pixel's width is enough to be effective.
=== [[File:CONV.png|CONV]] [[Element:CONV|Converter]]  ===
"Solid, converts everything into the particle if first touches."
Insulator can be used to stop a Spark transfer from wires and electrons less than 2 pixels away, meaning you can have a wire with a 1 pixel space between it and a spark will not transfer if there is insulator in the gap.
Insulation IS flammable however, so be wary.
CONV converts all the particles that touch it into its ctype element except DMND and itself. If no ctype is currently set, it will be set to the first element that the it touches. You can also set the ctype manually by drawing over it with an element.<br/>
It's .tmp allows a specific element to be converted; if the .tmp of the CONV was BRAY then only BRAY gets converted.
=== [[File:VOID.png|VOID]] Void ===
=== [[File:BCLN.png|BCLN]] [[Element:BCLN|Breakable Clone]]  ===
Maroon solid. Destroys particles.
"Breakable Clone."
Also, it creates a small amount of pressure.
This element essentially represents the outer boundary of the simulation field. Any particles that travel into it (NOT particles simply touching it)cease being simulated and immediately disappear.
Like CLNE, but breaks when under high pressure. While "broken" it can move around while still creating more of the element, and will disappear after 1000 frames.
Void is capable of conducting heat, and so clone can be used in combination with Void or Black Hole to make arbitrary temperature regulators.
=== [[File:PRTI.png|PRTI]] [[Element:PRTI|Portal-IN]]  ===
"Portal IN. Particles go in here. Also has temperature dependent channels. (same as WIFI)"
===  Second Stickman [STK2]  ===
Essentially the same as STKM. Press A to move left, D to move right, W to jump, and S to use special.
When it's on the screen, use CTRL + s to save, CTRL + d to activate debug mode, and Shift + w to switch gravity modes.
PRTI absorbs falling particles like void, except the particles will come out of PRTO particles on the same temperature channel. If there are no connected PRTOs, some particles can be stored in the portal until it is full and will not accept any more.
Produces a small amount of Low Pressure to attract particles.
=== [[File:PRTO.png|PRTO]] [[Element:PRTO|Portal OUT]]  ===
"Portal OUT. Particles come out here. Also has temperature dependent channels. (same as WIFI)""
Particles that fall into a PRTI will come out of PRTOs on the same temperature channel. If there is more than one PRTO, more particles will come out of the ones with lower #s.?
Produces a small amount of High pressure to expel particles.
=== [[File:PRTI.png|PRTI]] Portal IN ===
=== [[File:STK2.png|32px]] [[Element:STK2|Second Stickman [STK2]]]  ===
Elements go inside and then come out of Portal OUT.
"Second stickman. Don't kill him!"
A system where only Portal IN exists will result in the particles first entering and being stored in the PRTI, after a short time though, it will cause the particles to sile up outside the Portal IN until a Portal OUT is created.
Essentially the same as STKM. Press A to move left, D to move right, W to jump, and S spawn particles. When it's on the screen, you have to use CTRL + s to save, CTRL + d to activate debug mode, and Ctrl + w to switch gravity modes.
The larger the surface area of Portal In you have at one time, the faster it will come in.
Spawned from SPWN2, the only 5 letter long element name. SPWN2 is the same as SPWN, except for STK2.
Produces a small amount of Low Pressure to attract particles.
=== [[File:TRON.png|TRON]] [[Element:TRON|Tron]]  ===
rainbow of colors
Also, the pressure it creates does not break breakable elements.
"Smart particles. Travels in straight lines and avoids obstacles. Grows with time."
Note: Portals can also be used like WIFI to transfer SPRK to other places.
A programmed element that travels around the screen in 4 possible directions. It will gradually get longer the longer it exists on the screen. TRON will try to maneuver as best it can not to crash into itself or other TRON entities on the screen. It will also think cleverly to get out of classic "snake" situations. If it crashes into an element, it will cool that element significantly, but it will die.
It also comes with channels defined by heat, just like with WIFI. This way you can have
multiple portals that don't link to each other in one save.
=== [[File:PRTO.png|PRTO]] Portal OUT ===
=== [[File:BHOL.png|BHOL]] [[Element:BHOL|Black Hole]]  ===
Elements put in Portal IN come out here.
"Black hole. Sucks in particles using gravity (requires Newtonian Gravity)"
The larger surface area of Portal OUT you have at one time, the faster it will come out.
Very dark grey
Produces a small amount of High pressure to expel particles.
Similar to VACU, except it uses gravity instead of pressure to suck in particles.
=== [[File:TRON.png|TRON]] Tron ===
=== [[File:WHOL.png|WHOL]] [[Element:WHOL|White Hole]]  ===
Spawning tempurature: -273.15c
"White hole. pushes other particles using gravity (requires Newtonian Gravity)"
A programmed element that travels around the screen in 4 possible directions. It will gradually get longer the longer it exists on the screen. TRON will try to maneuver as best it can not to crash into itself or other TRON entities on the screen. It will also think cleverly to get out of classic "snake" situations.
=== [[File:BHOL.png|BHOL]] Black Hole  ===
Similar to VENT, except it uses gravity instead of pressure to repel particles.
Creates a negative gravity field and sucks in particles (like vacuum without exerting any pressure), Newtonian gravity must be enabled. Can also be created using the console by putting alot of particles on the screen and compressing them.
        !set x all A[/code]
=== [[File:FIGH.png|FIGH]] [[Element:FIGH|Fighter]]  ===
        !set y all A[/code]
"Fighter. Tries to kill stickmen. You must first give it an element to kill him with."
A is for example 255.
Similar to stickman, except not controllable and has a different shaped head. There can also be up to 100 on the screen at a time. They will follow STKM and STK2, and try to kill them by shooting particles at them. (They must still pick up these particles with their head like stickmen though.)
=== [[File:WHOL.png|WHOL]] White Hole  ===
There is no specific SPAWN element for FIGH, but they can be created with CLNE, etc.
Creates a positive gravity field pushing other particles away (similar to vent without exerting pressure), Newtonian gravity must be enabled.
=== [[File:FIGH.png|FIGH]] Fighter  ===
Fighter is simply a CPU controlled AI for STKM. FIGH will attempt to attack a STKM (when spawned) by spitting it's ctype out, just like ordinary STKM. FIGH will stand still if there is no STKM in the simulation. FIGH has identical body physics to STKM and will die in the same conditions. You can spawn up to 100 fighters! You can also change his maximum health by going in the console and typing
!set life figh ???

Latest revision as of 11:41, 14 March 2022

Language: English  • polski • русский • 中文

Description: "These elements generally don't fit into any other category, and have special properties."

X Eraser

Description: "Erases particles."

Color: None

This is used to delete particles on the screen. It is the default action set for button 2 (right-click). To erase signs or walls, you must use the sign tool or the wall eraser respectively.


Description: "Solid. Duplicates any particles it touches."

Color: Cadmium Yellow

These particles have a special variable, ctype, for remembering what the last thing they touched was. If you draw over any clone with the brush, it will set the ctype to your currently selected element.

Photons can pass through all types of CLNE (and BCLN) particles.


Description: "Hole. Will drain away any particles"

Color: Dark red

Void deletes any particles that fall into it, similarly to to the edge of the screen. However, it cannot delete solid particles, even if they are pushed into it with piston.

One relatively unknown feature of VOID is that if you set its ctype to an element, it will only destroy that element. However, this can only be done with PROP or the console, you cannot draw over it like CLNE.

DMND Diamond

Description: "Diamond, Indestructible."

Color: White-blue

Normally can't be destroyed, even with things that destroy everything else, like BOMB. It will only be destroyed if it gets pushed off the screen, is inside a wall that absorbs solids, or is overwritten with another element by DRAY. DMND is commonly used to contain high temperature, high pressure, or other destructive elements. However, it should only be used as a last resort, because there are many, more creative ways, to contain destructive elements.

VACU Vacuum

Description: "Vacuum, sucks in other particles and heats up."

Color: Black

Vacuum acts the same as VOID, except it creates negative pressure, and also heats up as it sucks in particles.

VENT Air Vent

Description: "Air vent, creates pressure and pushes other particles away."

Color: White

Generates pressure

STKM Stickman

Description: "Stickman. Don't kill him! control with the arrow keys"

Use the left and right arrow keys to move, and up to jump. By touching the stickman's head against an element its head will change color, and then by pressing Down it'll spit out that element. Note that it you place its head against a metal, then press Down, it will spark the metal. This feature enables stickmen to use electronics, or even guns.

STKM can have rocket boots equipped when it passes through the gravity wall. Press [up] on the arrow keys to control its altitude. Press [left] or [right] to control its horizontal velocity. To brake, press [left] and [right] at the same time. To deactivate rocket boots, Let the stickman go through E-HOLE. Rocket boots fire plasma, and make the stickman temporarily immune to plasma (but not heat).

Stickman are hurt by heat above 51.85C (325K) or below -29.15C (244K). Each stickmen starts with 100hp, and as they are damaged this decreases until 0, where the stickman dies and explodes into a pile of DUST. They are also killed instantly by extreme positive pressure. STKM is hurt by many dangerous elements, some examples are: -VIRS -ACID -AMTR -URAN -PLUT -NEUT and by elements that destroy all particles: VOID, VACU, PVOD, BHOL, BOMB (only if the middle of the head is inside the blast) PLNT will restore STKM's health

Only one STKM can be on the screen at a time, and if it dies, it will reappear at the SPWN pixel. There can normally only be one pixel of SPWN on the screen at a time, and it is created when you place a STKM (the "STKM" menu item actually creates SPWN!)

CONV Converter

Description: "Solid, converts everything into the particle if first touches."

Color: Green

CONV converts all the particles that touch it into its ctype element except DMND and itself. If no ctype is currently set, it will be set to the first element that the it touches. You can also set the ctype manually by drawing over it with an element.
It's .tmp allows a specific element to be converted; if the .tmp of the CONV was BRAY then only BRAY gets converted.

BCLN Breakable Clone

Description: "Breakable Clone."

Color: Yellow

Like CLNE, but breaks when under high pressure. While "broken" it can move around while still creating more of the element, and will disappear after 1000 frames.

PRTI Portal-IN

Description: "Portal IN. Particles go in here. Also has temperature dependent channels. (same as WIFI)"

Color: Orange

PRTI absorbs falling particles like void, except the particles will come out of PRTO particles on the same temperature channel. If there are no connected PRTOs, some particles can be stored in the portal until it is full and will not accept any more.

Produces a small amount of Low Pressure to attract particles.


Description: "Portal OUT. Particles come out here. Also has temperature dependent channels. (same as WIFI)""

Color: Blue

Particles that fall into a PRTI will come out of PRTOs on the same temperature channel. If there is more than one PRTO, more particles will come out of the ones with lower #s.?

Produces a small amount of High pressure to expel particles.

STK2.png Second Stickman [STK2]

Description: "Second stickman. Don't kill him!"

Essentially the same as STKM. Press A to move left, D to move right, W to jump, and S spawn particles. When it's on the screen, you have to use CTRL + s to save, CTRL + d to activate debug mode, and Ctrl + w to switch gravity modes.

Spawned from SPWN2, the only 5 letter long element name. SPWN2 is the same as SPWN, except for STK2.


Colors: rainbow of colors

Description: "Smart particles. Travels in straight lines and avoids obstacles. Grows with time."

A programmed element that travels around the screen in 4 possible directions. It will gradually get longer the longer it exists on the screen. TRON will try to maneuver as best it can not to crash into itself or other TRON entities on the screen. It will also think cleverly to get out of classic "snake" situations. If it crashes into an element, it will cool that element significantly, but it will die.

BHOL Black Hole

Description: "Black hole. Sucks in particles using gravity (requires Newtonian Gravity)"

Color: Very dark grey

Similar to VACU, except it uses gravity instead of pressure to suck in particles.

WHOL White Hole

Description: "White hole. pushes other particles using gravity (requires Newtonian Gravity)"

Color: White

Similar to VENT, except it uses gravity instead of pressure to repel particles.

FIGH Fighter

Description: "Fighter. Tries to kill stickmen. You must first give it an element to kill him with."

Similar to stickman, except not controllable and has a different shaped head. There can also be up to 100 on the screen at a time. They will follow STKM and STK2, and try to kill them by shooting particles at them. (They must still pick up these particles with their head like stickmen though.)

There is no specific SPAWN element for FIGH, but they can be created with CLNE, etc.