Displays the menu-button image for an element, and links it to the element page. Takes one argument, the name of a material. Example: {{ MaterialBtn | PSCN }} and you will get:
The optional link argument lets you direct to a page other than an element page. For example, this {{ MaterialBtn | Wall_Erase | link=Elements::Walls}} will direct to the page on walls:
The optional size argument controls the size of the button. The default is 30px, to double it you can use {{ MaterialBtn | PSCN | size=60px}}:
Usage guidelines
MaterialBtn should be used sparingly, and never in the middle of paragraphs (preferably in short lines only).
Excessive use, or use in the middle of paragraphs, is distracting and hinders comprehension.
MaterialBtns can be used like headings - they help to indicate the subject(s) of a particular section of text. However, for this to work:
- the MaterialBtn should be the main subject of the section of text, rather than a bit of extra detail in a paragraph
- the text related to the MaterialBtn should be on its own, not part of a paragraph that talks about many different things
Lists of MaterialBtns are fine, but should not be part of a paragraph - put them on a separate line.
If possible, MaterialBtns should line up (e.g. at the left hand side of the page), so that they look neat and tidy.
If you use a MaterialBtn as part of a paragraph, put it near the start (ideally it should be the first thing in the paragraph, so that MaterialBtns in different paragraphs line up).
This is an example of what to avoid (from Element:PROT). It looks somewhat messy and is hard to read (the colours are distracting):
will explode into protons when bombarded with them for a while, just like the reaction with
except with low pressure. Protons, when with high velocity enough, will turn into other materials, in order from lowest to highest velocity required to produce:
, and
(needs extremely high velocity).
A better version. DEUT is the subject of the paragraph, so is rendered as a MaterialBtn. NEUT is just used to describe how DEUT reacts and is not the subject of the paragraph, so is a normal Material link (or could be plain text). DEUT+PROT and PROT+PROT are different subjects so different paragraphs. The MaterialBtn list is no longer inlined in the paragraph.
will explode into protons when bombarded with them for a while, just like the reaction with NEUT except with low pressure.
- When protons collide with high enough velocity, they will turn into other materials. In order from lowest to highest velocity required to produce, these are:
- (SING needs extremely high velocity).
MaterialBtns can also be used for pretty lists of reactions: