Yesterday I was goofing around and connected my laptop to my 52 inch TV to play TPT on, but it only took up less than a 4th of the screen. So i set it to Big window mode, which also helped with my somewhat minor near-sightedness. Today I unhooked my laptop to play tpt from the couch, but when i went to open it, i couldn't drag the window high enough to click the settings button to go back to regular size window. Is there a console command for this? It takes forever to hook my laptop up to the tv.
This ocurred me a month ago, i make this, Open tpt ALT+ F4, dont close whit X mark, use alt + f4 Turn off you laptop Wait 2 or 3 min and turn on It must be in normal size
If you want to do that from console(and by that I hope you mean CMD/Command Prompt/Terminal) you can. 1) Use cd to change the directory to your Powder Toy directory(e.g. cd C:\Users\You\TPT). 2) Use the del command to delete powder.def (e.g. del powder.def)
it happened to me, if you have a mac, your App Bar will show TPT, right click and force quit, when you reopen it will be normal
EDIT: mine was not connected to a tv though, i just hit the big window button and it got too big for the screen (my screen being 13in) so this is how i fixed it
If on Windows, not wanting to delete powder. def? Route 1 1. Find the Command Prompt ( Start - All programs - Accessories ) 2. Drag your "powder.exe" into the command window. 3. Add a space and write "scale:1" into the window. 4. Press ENTER. Route 2. 1. Create two shortcuts for Powder.exe ( right click -> Create shortcut ) 2. Go to Properties ( right click -> properties ) 3. Edit the "Target" field. Add "scale:1" (without quotes) to the end 4. Press apply and ok. 5. This new shortcut now resets the size of TPT. Route 3. (in the making)