Contribute useful Lua scripts here

  • boxmein
    30th Jul 2011 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    This is a topic to contribute useful Lua scripts to, sadly I don't write Lua and don't have anything to contribute, but here goes the thread.
  • Jammy45
    30th Jul 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    Did you know that if you put deco on goo and type in !set type goo dmnd it still has the deco! i think that is a little useful
  • limelier
    30th Jul 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    First of all, of course we know. That might be used to transform static stuffs to moving stuffs with sponge :3

    And, that is NOT A LUA SCRIPT!
  • Jammy45
    30th Jul 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    @tudoreleuu (View Post)
    i dont care -_-
  • MasterMind555
    30th Jul 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    @Jammy45 (View Post)
    Look at the Title, it's for Lua Scripts Only

    And nobody have posted the Text Maker Lua Script yet!
  • Jammy45
    30th Jul 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    @MasterMind555 (View Post)
    okedokey my bad just thought that was cool
  • BloodLust
    30th Jul 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    So i dont actually know lua but ive had a brilliant idea for a lua script , this would most be helpful in being implemented into the tpt "guns"


    but why not make "moving solids" in the form of projectiles ( and it will shut MANY ppl up :P ) , it would be basically be someting lik e"when pixel at point A is "triggered" by event B then the create SPNG element with C velocity ( the moving sponge thing ) at pixels A+Dx units and Ey units , so that you could make say a gun with a pixel that would fire moving sponge bullets, but only when trigggered , and im not sure the capabilities of lua but perhaps have the bullets remove them selves either after a certain time frame ( just give it a life value) or after it hits something

    and if you made the bullets have a temp value when they were created then they could actually melt things

    just an idea of coarse, i can figure out mainly how to do many things like that i just dont know how to put in a lua language or code

    and i think this idea could be implemented for many other things as well, for instance you could make an animation script ( basic and it would tke forever to code for anything larger than a few pixels) that would say something like "when pixel A is triggered by event B then pixel at point C is created/removed " and it would have to have a TON of the add/remove part of the script for each pixel on the screen ( only the ones being affected of coarse) and for each frame in the animation.

    AND you could even use with for creating small objects easily, just having each pixel coded to spawn at a point in relation to the "trigger" pixel
  • user25
    30th Jul 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    Projectiles are the same thing and its not happening. It would be the EXACT same thing as moving solids and is impossible on TPT's engine because spng has to be manipulated to do that and only moves fully two ways not four.

    Can everybody PLEASE get back on topic
  • BloodLust
    30th Jul 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    i mean only in the two ways it can already do, and it wouldnt need to be manipulated the entire time , just created then set the movement

    and srry , i have the ideas and "method" i just dont know how to code lua

    and as it appears that only a handfull of users know lua i thought id atleast try and contribute ...if there was a better place to post this then i was unaware
  • EchoStorm
    16th Jul 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    Hopefully in the next TPT version the engine can be modified to allow moving solid particles. I've always been wondering how to make projectiles since I was a noob to this. The only idea I have that's even close is to fire a mass of lava or thermite with pressure and gravity off. I only have a limited understanding of lua though, only because I wanted to make mods for my psp.