No one cares. Literally, no one. You may be trying to come from a good place, but attempting to explain your actions like this will only garner more hate.
I apologize if I harmed you in any way. It first I was put off because you kept spamming, but then it started to be fun to keep telling you to stop and you just ignoring everyone or even saying you will but after 10 minutes to come with a threat again.
If 10 is really your age that's some what understandable, it is at my age also understandable to make fun of you and try to make "your life miserable" because it makes me happy seeing you rage .
But don't listen to none Ark5 nor' HolyExLxF.
While Ark5 is showing that "he is the boss" by being a Anarchist and doing and saying whatever he wishes because we are after all ... on the Interwebz, HolyExLxF is trying to play "I'm a tough guy and I don't care" he took 1 minute of his precious and careless life to post for YOU.
Both a kind of persons you will become too while growing up. This is the fun of being part of a community of different ages.
My tips you may ask? Stop spamming, try and use punctuation and as good grammar as you can ( red line under word means is wrong), use google when you can't get it right, try and be helpful and most importantly: If more members or even mods ask you something, try and do so or you will start to be hated and you will rage again. Noone likes rage quitters or queers.
To end this , we don't care that your back but go and swear some mods because you can !
if your so sorry about your terrible posts, stop posting terrible posts about how your sorry that you are posting terrible posts! Its getting ridiculous. One more freaking sorry post from you and i will literally explode.
I had to lol at all the replys. It all comes down to 3 things FF, 1) Obey the rules, it isn't hard 2) Be yourself and do what you would do provided rule 1 is followed. 3) Don't try to explain your actions.
Mods will only pounce if you break the rules. As I am part of the elders on here (anyone over 20 lol), trust me.
Ark5 Moderators are people who enforce the rules and keep this community under control. If you want to keep insulting us then don't be surprised when you get banned.
Finalflash50 I am sorry to hear about all that but that gives you no right to come on here and break rules. If you break the rules you get warned/banned. I don't care if Bob is your uncle.