This is actually the second time today when you said you will stop doing stupid and useless topics. And you still did 2 topics after that ...
Don't know why, but I'm pretty sure tomorrow you will make another Topic to thank the devs , another list of elements, 1 more topic for fireworks, some changes to STKM, and about 2 Topics about the Beta...
To be honest in the past 2 days I started to despise the Forum because of some users plaguing it with absolutely useless Topics and questions that have already been answered , or could be found by themselves if they could take 10 seconds to look it up.
Some have been warned to stop posting when there is no point , or too be more careful and patient but seriously its like talking with rocks.
And you know , if you actually decide by yourself to stop being childish you could have just stopped and trust me on this one , we WOULD HAVE SEEN THE DIFFERENCE. Pointless topic is pointless.
You think it's bad. I actually have to do stuff about it. I read almost every post on this forum. I think there will be a search funciton for the forum soon. And we are trying to get the rules stickied to the top of the forum.
I honestly love this game and I kind hate to see stuff like this happening every 30 mins, I'm sure we will still see spam, double posts and useless topics even after the search function.
People find it easier to just demand something , go away and do something else for 5 mins then come back and get everything on a plate.
Snitzi Technically it is easier, but I agree - even with the rules and search function, people are just way too lazy. This can be seen in almost every forum there is on the Internet, and it will only get worse with more popularity.
The only solution I can think of are more bans, but I don't think that is practical.
The biggest part of the community is made of teenagers, and if you continuously act like a moron even if you are asked politely then get warned but still continue with the deeds, the Ban is the best solution.
Which is the best way to learn something if not to feel the consequences.