Possible sound option?

  • XazoTak
    26th May 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    Now, we all love to see a city getting exploded in powder toy, but what lacks is a big boom and the sound of buildings on fire and stone falling to the ground.

    So I thought that maybe every time particles had certain interactions, each particle would has a chance of playing a very small and short sound file. So a small number of stone particles hitting metal would make a small group of "Stone hitting metal" sounds.
    Or, if they were settling into a pile, stone hitting another stone lightly on a mound sound. A fire particle, would have a randomized chance also of playing sound file, perhaps if it is something burning it makes a crackle, and if it is just fire in the air it makes a fire whoosh sound.
    A particle exploding may play a small boom, in a group making a big boom, and stones falling in water make a splash. Perhaps what sound each element plays could, rather than being manually selected, be chosen by what code each element has?
  • theKJM
    26th May 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    and different explosives and set-ups makes different sounds
  • TheTempest
    26th May 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    Has been suggested many times, and shot down many times. Can't remember exact reasons, other than difficult to code something that would detect when explosions have gone off, etc.
  • pilojo
    26th May 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    @XazoTak (View Post)
    been suggested. Been implemented through console(or was not sure now). Not sounds for specific elements. It plays .wav(i think haven't used in a while).
  • shroom207
    26th May 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    @XazoTak (View Post)
    Yeah maybe in a couple more years it will be implanted but people have been suggesting this left and right.
  • macquarry
    26th May 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    Yea been suggested but it would be to hard to code and stuff so ask a mod to lock
  • shroom207
    26th May 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    @macquarry (View Post)
    Thats still breaking rule 13 he will ask for it 2 be locked if he wishes 2 do so...
  • XazoTak
    26th May 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    Proof that this idea could work: http://thisissand.com/ It's been done before.
  • lolzy
    26th May 2011 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    It's because it would cause lag. Also, necro...
Locked by lolzy: Necro