I think it would be cool to have a menu (like "explosives" and "liquids" and "life".) with different "pen" settings. In that menu would be different pen tools that wouldn't require hotkeys and would allow for much more pens.
Some ideas I have are FREE, LINE, BOX, FILL, SHOT (set a point and drag away from where you want to shoot and it will fling where you want it too), LOCK (once you move it goes in either direction you chose, up and down or left and right. Cannot do the other direction until you start over), and we can move WIND there, along with AIR, VAC, HEAT, and COOL. Mainly because those 5 aren't really elements, they're more like ways the pen can interact with the game.
My second suggestion is that stickmen should conduct electricity, like the human body. It stands on two bits of unconnected metal, it stands on both of them, one metal bit gets sparked, and the stickman is shocked, more than likely injured or killed, and continues onto the next one.
And one other thing, the clear tool should have a white X and have the surrounding area be filled red or blue so that you can see the X with either left mode or right mode, or none and you can see what button uses it. And I liked it when elements highlighted pink when both buttons had it.
@me4502(View Post) I know, but we should also have a way to choose pens without hotkeys. What if you are eating or something? And shot/lock aren't in yet, they are suggested.
And by wind I mean the wind in the "special" section that is a drag tool. I've seen wind as a "visible" element. By visible, I mean you can mouse over it and it says WIND.
@Neospector(View Post) I realize this. But I want a way where if the stickman is touching two separate metal bits and one is sparked, it will instantly go to the other bit he is touching and kill him.
Kind of like the human body. They are pretty much a life form like us, where things can injure or kill them. But they can't be shocked. It would be pretty useful.