In a post about solid wind, a moderator said the decoration layer we all requested is coming soon, and I hopped up happily. What I'm wondering, how will this layer work? Will you just draw with elements without them moving? In that case, graffiti, painting a metal wall, making a wooden house,green, would be easily. But, is it going to work this way, because I'm not sure.
when you press b a colour palet will come up and you select your colour and you can draw with it. the stuff that you draw can go over elements and elements dont react with it
this is actually a good idea,i wanted to make my own pixel art but i think it would be better to wait.
edit:OT,how do you make the pixels smaller,i saw someone who fitted in 4 cities in one creation and the pixels were super small.i want to make an anime girl holding a sniper rifle super detailed.