I met TPT when I got bored and searched "powder" in google and the old site (powder.unaligned.org) came up. Then, I search for "The Powder Toy" as I could not connect to the site a month later, thinking that the site might have been moved. That search directed me here. And then, I met TPT.
That's almost exactly my story, too. But instead of searching 'powder' I was searching for games like dan-ball's powder game (aka dust). And instead of waiting a month, I had to wait more than a year before I found version 40.3 .
Well I saw someone else with the game. So I searched for 'The Powder toy' and got the old version ten. It took a year before I found the new version 40.
Well one summer evening at a bar in England I met powdertoy. She was the most beautiful powder simulator game I've seen in years, it was true love at first sight.
I was looking for YouTube vids of Burning Sand & saw ones about a program called PT. Out of curiosity, I searched for it in Google and found v.10. I soon realised that I had come across it just shortly after the powder.unaligned server crash. A little diappointing, but I still played with it. Then, in the middle of Summer break this year, I was bored and looking for PT vids on YouTube when I came across one that was providing, in the description, an URL that it claimed to be the new site/server for TPT. My eyes just about popped out of their sockets! So I went to the provided site, hoping, and thus discovered 36.3. I was sooo happy to find a new PT.
Read the review on the Russian IT community site. Thought that TPT is a crap that not worth my time. Read another review month later. Decided to actually try the game myself. And here I am.