I can't figure out how to change the target location for a link in Ubuntu. I know how to in windows but in Ubuntu, the target location is not a type space.
@jalfor(View Post) In ubuntu run it in terminal (./powder scale:2) @nmd(View Post) in windows... Make a shortcut, right click, click properties, add " scale:2" at the end of target.
yeah, in ubuntu right-click the desktop, select "create launcher", type is application, for the command line enter the path contained in double quotes, and at the end add scale:2 (eg. "/home/yourname/path/to/app/powder-sse#" scale:2) #=nothing,2,or 3
EDIT: Only problem is, my laptop screen isn't large enough vertically for me to use scale:2, too bad can't use scale:1.5 :/
You can do kiosk mode on the Mac from the Terminal, too — navigate to the folder the Powder app is in, for example...
cd /Applications/Powder/
Then run the executable *inside* Powder.app (which, as is normal in Mac OS X, is actually a folder), with the desired flag...
./Powder.app/Contents/MacOS/powder-x kiosk
If you want a launcher that'll do it for you, and aren't afraid of a little AppleScript, paste the following two lines into a script and save it as an application in the same folder as Powder.app:
tell application "Finder" to get POSIX path of ((container of (path to me)) as text) do shell script quoted form of result & "Powder.app/Contents/MacOS/powder-x kiosk"
Voilà! You can double-click the Powder.app icon for regular mode, and the launcher icon for fullscreen. Except, there appears to be a problem with fullscreen mode on a Mac. Of course! That solution was too good to be true. I started another thread about it here:
In a nutshell, kiosk mode ruins the colors of Powder Toy on a Mac. Everything is washed out and yellow. I'm looking for a solution to this problem, so you may want to keep your eyes peeled over in that thread.
The workaround I recommend, for now, is to use Mac OS X's built-in zoom function to enlarge a regular game window to fullscreen. Open System Preferences and click on the Universal Access icon. Turn "zoom" on. You can configure various options; I suggest setting the screen image to move "only when the pointer reaches an edge" to reduce unwanted motion while using Powder Toy. I set my mouse's scroll wheel to control zooming in and out when I hold the control + shift modifier keys. I can zoom in so the window fills most of the screen and get a near-kiosk effect with full colors. It's sloppy but it'll work until the bug is fixed.
The scale:2 thing is too big for the screen I am using (1024x768). Is there a way to run it in 600 and something x something else(I forget what) like in windows?