Keyboard usage

  • mniip
    6th Apr 2011 Developer 0 Permalink
    Can sombody tell me ALL keyboard combinations?

    I know only these:
    Ctrl+DragMouse - rectangle
    Shift+DragMouse - line
    Ctrl+Shift+Click - fill
    Q , Esc - quit
    W , Shift+W - switch gravity
    Ctrl+R - rotate
    Ctrl+Shift+R - Flip
    T - Somehow changes PLNT VINE and WOOD behaviors
    Y - switch air mode
    I - invert pressure and velocity
    P - take screenshot (How to read .ppm format?)
    [ , minus - WheelDown - shrink brush
    ] - WheelUp - raise brush
    Tab - switch brush (circle - square)
    Shift+[ , Shift+] , Shift+WheelUp , Shift+WheelDown, Shift+minus , Ctrl+[ , Ctrl+] , Ctrl+WheelUp , Ctrl+WheelDown , Ctrl+minus - Used to make elliptical/rectangular brushes.
    S - save stamp
    D - turn on additional info
    F - pause and calculate 1 frame
    G , Shift+G - grid
    H - hide/show all
    K - show stamps
    L - open most recent stamp
    Z - zoom ( WheelUp / WheelDown to change Maignification)
    Ctrl+Z - undo (Works strange)
    Ctrl+X - cut
    C - switch view mode
    Ctrl+C - copy
    Ctrl+V - paste
    Spacebar - pause
    ` - open/close console
    1 - velocity view
    2 - pressure view
    3 - persistent view
    4 - fire view
    5 - blob view
    6 - heat view
    7 - fancy view (What does it mean?)
    8 - nothing view
    9 - heat gradient view
    0 - alternate velocity view
    Shift+1 - life view

    I will add here if you tell me something
  • cinebox
    6th Apr 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    i think those are all of them :)