I realize that it is here on purpose, most likely. My question is why. For those of you that haven't noticed, typing: @Username Will also create the link: (view post) And quoting will make it do this: @shroom207!90613 Why is it like this? I don't see a use except adding more characters to posts.
i don't see the need for it. i read from top to bottom, not vice versa. most people read top to bottom, too
Edited: only people who don't know how to read, literally (e.g. very young children, people who have had strokes, etc), may read all over the page, bottom to top.
not meant as insult!! talking about people who actually can't read, like baby children
@Neospector When hitting the reply button it allows other users (Who may be reading from the last page) to read the post you're replying to. It's only a few characters, you can just remove them if you want.