Aray was supposed to shoot Bray out, but for some reason some of the Bray it shoots out hardens, multiple shots will make the whole ray solid. Fix it, please.
Fuse takes so much heat to start, why so? You should be able to start it with fire.
@tudoreleuu FFFFFFFFAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIILLLLLLL BRAY + BRAY == BRAY with more life. It is meant for things like TPT printers and such. FUSE burns hot because a FUSE needs to detonate a bomb or melt a metal wire to make it a one-time swtich.
500 degrees starts FUSE, ARAY shoots bray out. If you put more than 1 pixel against metal in such a way: M A A M - metal A - aray then it does start freaking out when multi-shot. (A glitch with ray points colliding)
Gamer, not really, I mean BRAY used to turn into solid BRAY when colliding with another BRAY. And fuse would be good starting burn at a temperature fire can ignite, so we don't have to wave HEAT over it for about 30 seconds.
@tudoreleuu how about put a dot of METL behind FUSE and spark the METL. Exactly. BRAY + BRAY == BRAY WITH MORE LIFE. (solid) I really don't need to hear random suggestions from people who don't listen. :|
@tudoreleuu What you're describing is not a bug, it is the intended behaviour of ARAY/BRAY, crossing the beams is supposed to create a point of BRAY with a longer life; as @gamerboy8864 mentioned, this is for things like printers and holograms
@tudoreleuu Because all the rays are shooting INTO each other, causing a life increase. It isn't a bug; You're just not looking close enough/understanding it properly.
I'm understanding, two rays hitting eachother create a solid BRAY dot. But maybe I didn't look close enough, Idk. Anyway, you should still lower the fuse light temp to the temp of fire.