What are the available hidden elements now? Why is the secret menu removed? How do I draw with these hidden elements in bulk (the console only allows placing 1 "atom" at a time)?
Also what does "tmp" and "ctype" do in the console? I can't figure out how to use those, and the wiki leaves ABSOLUTELY NO EXAMPLE on how to use these other than saying (you can make lava melt into neutrons, or change a particles color, but not giving the actual console code sample for doing this!).
if you don't know what they are for, you probably won't find out by guessing, they best way is to check in the source to see what each value does for each element (if anything).
By the way I'm not into compiling, so the source code won't do me any good. Plus I don't even know how to read the particle definition file (not that I even know what its file name is). Need some help with that.
But yeah the wiki really needs to document the uses of tmp and ctype for all existing TPT elements for which those vars have an effect.
And also what are the currently available "secret" elements? And how do I draw with those in bulk if I can't even access the "secret" menu any more?
Still the wiki is FAR from complete, leaving those who are NOT COMPLETE TPT EXPERTS in the dark on things that would be simple if only you know. My guess is the experts (who KNOW enough to put it in wiki) are the sort who want to NOT put it in the wiki, so the COOLEST techniques are knowledge that remains "expert knowledge" so that the "common man" won't learn of it. That way they get to KEEP HOLDING onto their high place in the world as "experts" and they tease us commoners by letting onto the fact their are epically cool techniques by actually MENTIONING them in the wiki (like ctype and tmp) while then not providing ANY MORE info in the wiki and even REFUSING to post it in reply to my DIRECT REQUESTS for this knowledge (no expert has yet fully answered my question of what tmp and ctype really do).