I maked mod. It include 37 elements and few changes. Version 1.65 (14.04.2011, beta version): View list of files and download Version 1.61 (03.04.2011): description of the elements: wiki page compiled: LinuxWindows source: .tar.gz.zip Version 1.5 (18.03.2011) stable version: description of the elements: .zip compiled: LinuxWindows source: .tar.gz.zip the most interesting elements: SODM, Sodium. It can burn. Reacts with water to form AKAL, H2 and allocation of a large quantity of heat. H2, Hytrogen. Explosive if sparse. When burned turns to water. You can ignite it to burn safely. RGUN, Ray Gun. Metalable. Try use it how normal aray, but put on the line goal. It destroy something by temperature and pressure. VERY COOL!!! VLVE, Valve. Metalable. Allows patricles if activated. Activate/deactivate - PSCN/NSCN. VIRU, virus!! NEMR, neutron matter, very heavy. Unstable in high temeratures (turns into plsm with explosition). Can absorbs neuterons and due to this grows. TRIT, tritium oxide, beta radioactive liquid. Decay rate depends on temperature. Mix with deut for to make a thermonuclear mixture (it's VERY explosive). Version 1.0: compiled: LinuxWindowsMacOS source: .7z.zip Thanks me4502 for MacOS binary.