I dont know if this is the right forum but i have a question:
when i search other creations in powder toy i sometimes find some "art" there like drawed 'Simpsons' or 'eve' with powders In the comments stands its a "scan" - Can i take pictures and import them in powder toy or something like that?
@Stratorify Yes, you have to use a program to do it that can convert images into stamps. I know Jojobond has one but is not releasing the program. Also, I think you're not supposed to publish scanned creations because they take the fun out of making the pixel art yourself, though Jojobond has uploaded some awesome creations just to show what the program can do.
Also people tend to underestimate the effort it takes to code a tool-set that creates stamps. It may only take some seconds to create a picture, but I don't know how much hours I spend on the coding of my tools.