Suggestion: Allow users two options of publishing. One other users may vote on, and one other user may not. In other words, the option to restrict voting.
I personally could use this when making a save as a subordinate of another save. (My level pieces for DDR) or when I make a joke save, or a save I only want to show a concept to help others out.
The point is to publish something that either isn't finished yet, isn't meant to be something complete in itself, isn't going to stay there on the server for long, and not have people downvote them because of it. Bascially, I've wanted to show womeone something like
without getting negative 2 votes on the arrows. Keeps your average up! (Though it doesn't really matter for anything other than respect among organizations.)
@Finalflash50 Because it isn't meant to be a creation in itself! Because it is a joke! (see my uber bomb) Because it isn't finished but you'd like to publish it to get people's advice on it, but don't want people downvoting it because it isn't complete!
There, three off the top of my head.
I am suggesting you can choose once you publish, to publish with no voting, or publish with voting.