I made a salt water distiller in loop but after a couple of minutes running it all the salt was gone. Then after another couple of time the water was gone too.
Is this a bug? I mean, in nature it wouldn't happen, you can't destroy matter.
There is a bug at the moment that can cause the volume of a body of liquid to shrink (fix coming in the next update), If you could post a save where this occurs, we can try to fix it.
You may not be able to make matter magically disappear, but you can convert matter into energy and vice-versa. E=m*c^2. In theory you can convert 1g of matter into: 1 * g * (3E+8*(m/s)) ^ 2 = 1 * g * 9E+16 * m^2 / s^2 = 1 * kg * 9E+13 * m^2 / s^2 = 9E+13 * N * m = 9E+13 * W * s = 9E+10 * k * W * s = 2.5E+7 k * W * h = 25.000.000 kWh.
BTW: Yes Water may magically disappear also this game does not represent every law of physics there is.