The Powder Toy Wand!

  • plypencil
    14th Aug 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    I am in the process of creating a wand for the powder toy. A wand? A magic want?! No. The wand will allow you to draw in the powder toy, using an infra red remote control.

    I do need someone to give me a hand though, I need someone to add a function into the program, when the return key is hit it draws. Could someone please do this for me?
  • MiXih
    14th Aug 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    images not works

    edit: sorry, long loads
  • devast8a
    14th Aug 2010 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    Couldn't you remap Return to Mouse 1?
  • um3k
    14th Aug 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    They work here.
  • Sylvi
    14th Aug 2010 Moderator 0 Permalink
    Wow! This is a great idea, it's like saving $500 rather than buying a Wii.
  • lolzy
    14th Aug 2010 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    And the graphics are better!
  • plypencil
    14th Aug 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    Edit: No need for someone to change the return key now, I have found a way to send a left click to another program
    Edit Edit: Yes I still need someone to put the function in
  • Xenocide
    14th Aug 2010 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    for windows users GlovePIE, a Sensor Bar and a Wiimote, I can't remember what program I had for linux but a yum/apt search should throw something up

    Glovepie script should go something like



    wiimote.down=[key.ctrl and key.z]
    wiimote.left=[key.ctrl and key.x]
    wiimote.up=[key.ctrl and key.c]
    wiimote.right=[key.ctrl and key.v]

    for some reasons I always got dodgey results using mouse.xy=wiimote.xy
    its easy enough to write a glovepie script if you read bits of the documentation; I found many uses to annoy teachers in college with it... OSC down port 80 to other comps, randomly making sound effects, locking the mouse/keyboard whenever the teacher tried to use it and unlocking it as soon as he stopped... even had a kill program for when the techy arrived to see whats up...
  • ssc4k
    14th Aug 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    Wow! This is a great idea, it's like saving $500 rather than buying a Wii.

    If you want a cheap easy commonly supported accelerometer/Ir pointer/bluetooth for your projects you don't need to spend 200 on a wii you can just buy the wiimote for 30-40 and put any infrared source(s) (up to 4) on top of your monitor in this case (or buy an official bar if you really want which is just 2 infrared LED's on a stick) and you'll be having fun sticking it on anything.
  • naruto123
    14th Aug 2010 Member 0 Permalink