I want to report this user because he copys and ruins many good saves, why he does this i don't know. I have reported one of his saves, i hope they will all be deleted. he uses vile language and i think he diserves a ban. didn't know where else to post this but I strongly suggest you see for your self...
thank you, he is a known spammer of inappropriate saves, if you see any other accounts like this, please report them as well. This is his third banned account, so i doubt he will stay away long.
@cracker64 I would just keep banning him if he ever does this again, if he does, I will tell you or post a topic about it and keep you informed. thanks anyway.
@UBERNESS yes, I saw that too. Also he took a good little creation somebody spent a good bit of time on and changed the title to like "my dog f**ked your mom" and spammed it about 10 times. Im more than glad he is banned