Could we make it so that you could have holes in powder toy that would work like (if you don't get what I mean by holes) a flattened sphere flattened with a hole punched through it, in other words a donut but it does not need to be in the center and you can have multiple holes as well. Then of course since powder toy is 2D then you would obviously need to flatten it.
I just think that this would be a good way of making powder toy 3D without making it 3D
such a thing would be difficult to code, so much so that the number of useful aplications of the 'toroid tool' would be outweighed by the time and effort being put into making it.
maybe thats just me. but honestly, if you want something bad enough, code it yourself.
Holy ******* crap. Honestly I could understand the first 4 words in the first paragraph but then you honestly went numb with your typing....
It sounds to me you want to make holes in a circle, just make a circle then get the delete tool and make a smaller circle in the middle. So if it is by any chance what you where talking about then I hope this helps you for the future.
although I doubt it cause you go on talking about 2d and 3d without 3d but having 2d as 3d instead so it isn't like 2d and more like 3d but keeping in 2d!
Personal Lol followed by a facepalm.
Edit: Turns out that took me 5 minutes to type so I must have dozed off... Anyway I agree with post above, (Because I understand what you were saying now) It's very hard to code, especially if your going to do it for free... I suggest you just send your screen through a 3d enhancer, plug it into those new 3D tv's and put some glasses on! Ta Da your done!
The main reason I want it is because electronics would be able to overlap each other without overlapping each other and conducting. I know you can do this already through inst and electronics that do not overlap but this would allow that on top of this
Thats what I meant when I said you could use two conductors that don't conduct to each other. The toroidal thing will just mean that you can make it even more compact
I think I managed to translate what this whole post is in one word: Layers
It's not quite layers it would be a bit like portal except it would be more complex and you could do more with it so you effectively just making a donut or something like it except both sides of that are on the 2D plane of TPT