pointless elements

  • therocketeer
    27th Jan 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    I belive and im sure many others do, that there are just a few elements in the powder toy that are basicly pointless and take up room in the elemental menus that could have been for better elements:
    #GRAV- basicly dust- also doesn't change colours based on velocity, it just goes through the colurs in spectrum order

    #ANAR-another boring dust-and it doesn't go in the opossite gravity but the opossite wind speed. damn it sucks.

    #BOMB-????please tell me why!- defeats the point of making bombs out of explosives and it doesnt even look like a bomb, it just hurts my eyes. like mods say "name three uses" apart from making wierd guns.

    no offence you do a good job of everything else on tpt ;)

  • Diissaster
    27th Jan 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    You think ANAR isn't useful?
    *Facepalm Suicide*
  • MasterMind555
    27th Jan 2011 Member 0 Permalink

    Bomb was made by The Admin, and it's cool, look how much there's guns using bomb, except that, the two others are boring.
  • Pilihp64
    27th Jan 2011 Developer 1 Permalink

    wifi is pointless too, because you can just use a wire to connect two things together
    INST is pointless because you can just use walls!!!
    WTF IS LIFE MENU???? random movement is pointless
    QRTZ doesn't conduct like it says!!!

    remove these PLZ


    they are only useless if you don't know how to use them
  • Catelite
    27th Jan 2011 Former Staff 2 Permalink
    Just because you don't understand how something works, doesn't make it broken or pointless. >_<<br />
    GRAV element had color cycling added in deliberately, to make it prettier in fact. If you look at any of the saves that show how to make GRAV spin in a circle, you'll see how it makes a perfect wheel no matter where the particles lie. However, they do still change colors depending on their velocity and direction. Just thost colors slowly rotate regardless of the direction of GRAV movement. :3

    ANAR behaves as though the 4x4 grid of pressure as well as X and Y velocity is inverted on every frame. As a result, it appears to act as if it's under inverted pressure, velocity, and gravity, behaving oppositely normal dust in respect of movement. You don't just use it by itself and expect instant results, it's designed to be a mechanic for use in much larger or complicated machines that require an element that will not get blown away by explosions, but instead get -sucked in.-

    ...BOMB is like SING. It's designed to blow stuff up, and does it in a particularly unique way that resembles fragmentation explosives. And it shimmers. +_+ It's difficult to deal with due to its properties, but plows pathways through solid elements by bouncing around and deleting small spheres of space with every blow.

    Have any other questions? :o
  • Cr15py
    27th Jan 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    BOMB removal, +1
    I think GRAV and ANAR do have SOME uses. BOMB on the other hand is stupid. It's like giving every noob in Call of Duty(#5 was the only one I found fun) an automatic rocket launcher. I would love to see BOMB removed.
  • therocketeer
    27th Jan 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    i still kinda think they lack in awsomeness even though catilite writ an esay. thanks cr15py for that ultimate awsome speech bomb is just...well...quier

  • Dragonfree97
    27th Jan 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    Please don't swear...

    Anyway, BOMB should be made so the shrapnel (is that a German word?) is the element it touches at detonation
  • Catelite
    27th Jan 2011 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    ....So you're saying it shouldn't be removed even though kiddies love senseless explosions and burnination? >:3
  • kaan999
    27th Jan 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    You guys don't understand?Really GRAV has good effects in game and ANAR is can be useful at some models and BOMB can be useful?The only pointless thing is SING i think.Not right?and why it's singularity*no sense*

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