I've noticed that all/most of the explosive explode as fire. By the way, C4 is not a pressure sensitive explosive. When C4 explodes there is fire for about a few milliseconds, and then smoke. You might want to change it so it's more realistic. And, you should allow people to place more stickmen, and maybe something like zombies that just move around randomly. Thank you, I hope you take this into consideration.
Greetings all, this is my first post here on the forums and i only discovered TPT last week (and already love it). I was starting a new thread about explosives yesterday, but halfway into me writing i accidently managed to press the back-button on my browser and everything i had written was out. "Stuff happens"...
While i've been sitting some time straight playing around with this app i've noticed that explosives in general and explsive effects in particular is not handled very well/realistically - which IMHO is well within the scope of what TPT is, from what i've seen so far. The way i see it explosives in TPT mainly serve as a way of transferring regular fire from one place to another very quickly and/or as a way to produce a marginal amount of heat and pressure locally - however not near as much as is produced in the real world. In real life working with explosives is part of my job and i have some experience with them in various shapes, types and amounts. In a nutshell, what i'm seeing in TPT is a combustion (ie subsonic) of the explosives (C4 and for that sake nitroglycerine being the only proper high-explosive included in this build - gunpowder being low-explosives with it's own uses IRL and thermite being an incendiary substance contra an explosive, but this is quite irrelevant in terms of TPT being what it's meant to be), or at best a deflagration (also subsonic), and not a detonation.
To back this up with two examples/experiments in TPT: 1) Shell with C4-filling: - Make a relatively thin-walled container from BMTL - Fill it with C4 - Initialize by fire or any other means in the center - The result will an explosion contained within the container and maybe the melting of it in certain areas.
- Now reload the experiment and initialize by pausing the game and increasing the pressure on the C4 to a value of 250. - Unpause and the effect will be more like it is IRL.
2) Nuclear weapon: - Make a hollow container from METL - Make a second hollow container from METL within the first one, and make a third within there again. - Fill the inner part with C4, the next one with PLUT and the third with DEUT - Initialize the C4 in the center by fire or any other means. The bomb should eventually go off but only after enough free neutrons have generated in the plutonium to start a chain reaction.
- Now reload the experiment and initialize by pausing the game and increasing the pressure on the C4 to a value of 250. - Unpause and the chain reaction and subsequent detonation will go dramatically faster.
Now i'm afraid i'm no coder so i'm not able to do this myself, but what i propose to get this fitting into the world of TPT is to first and foremost increase the temperature in a high-explosive detonation to about 3000 degrees celsius (up from 800-1000 degrees as it is now) and to increase the local pressure generated to a value of 256 (what is this value btw, i've been trying to find out about this) instead of only 3-5 as it seems to be as of now. This increase in detonation-pressure would probably give explosions in TPT the needed energy/ability to displace mass well enough, but if there is a specific parameter within the code to enable the breaking and moving of particles/mass then doing something with this could probably also have a beneficial effect - i wouldn't know.
tl:dr and bottom line: I'm not being that anal here that i want every single physical aspect of explosives included in TPT in the most realistic manner possible, nor would this be too smart either as TPT could then worst case be used as an educational tool for for people with dubious agendas, but i would love to see TPT do a better job on explosives than it does today and IMHO this is also well within the creator of TPTs intention of providing a fun environment with many possibilities rather than an overly scientific approach that includes absolutely all technical aspects and variables.
Hope this was of some use and interest and hope to see this done sometime in the future!
Later, Baboonox
p.s. On the note of C4 as i see it's mentioned above; C4 is a military type of secondary high-explosive designed to provide a high amount of brisance (due to it's detonation speed) to cut, shatter and punch holes through stuff rather than generate large amounts of gas, which in simple terms translates to a better capability to lift and displace mass. It's production and physical composition is of less importance in this discussion, but military explosives like C4 and other types like CompB, TNT, RDX/HMX etc. differs from civilian/commercial explosives (like dynamite, glynit/geomit and commercial slurrys) in that they are designed to be more storage- and handling-stable than civilian types, for obvious reasons; Relatively speaking it takes alot for them to detonate and C4 is stable to the point that where it is actually possible to shoot it with small arms and otherwise handle it quite roughly without it going off, it will also in most cases burn rather than detonate if set fire to, provided the gases are allowed free access to vent off it during the process and no pressure buildup happens around it. If C4 is pressure sensitive as it says in TPT? Well, all explosives are given enough energy/overpressure is exerted on them over a certain amount of time, but AFAIK sympathy-detonation of C4 due to barometric overpressure alone would take alot of pressure to achieve.
p.p.s IRL gunpowder/black powder is highly sensitive to static electricity/sparks and should in TPT be ignitable by SPRK...
is not handled very well/realistically - which IMHO is well within the scope of what TPT is, from what i've seen so far
Hate to say this again but TPT originated as an airflow simulator, and ended up being a falling sand game simulation. The end goal is fun, not realism.
Thank you, TPT also needs ANFO. A high explosive with a higher detonation speed than Dynamite. But, even better, the people who made TPT, forgot to add Napalm to the game. HAHAHAHA.