Honey, I shrunk the saves! Take one of the legendary top TPT saves and make it two times smaller, in this new official contest.
The winner save will be pinned to the front page for a whole week!
Contest rules
Example save:
you should really add "using shrinker scripts/saves is prohibited" because it will be just copying (similar happened by Powderexe who used layering helper resize tool on tiny objects to later post them as their own)
you should really add "using shrinker scripts/saves is prohibited" because it will be just copying (similar happened by Powderexe who used layering helper resize tool on tiny objects to later post them as their own)
It's not really possible to be 100% sure that someone used a shrinking script/mod. In any case, saves which were shrunk with such tools won't win the contest, since they won't function well. We'll also make sure to look out for such saves when judging.