Shrinking contest

  • savask
    31st January Developer 4 Permalink

    Honey, I shrunk the saves! Take one of the legendary top TPT saves and make it two times smaller, in this new official contest.
    The winner save will be pinned to the front page for a whole week!

    Contest rules

    1. Take one of the saves from pages 2-21 in TPT save explorer when sorted "by votes" (that's the standard setting), for example, Destroyable city, BODY V5, etc.
    2. Shrink it in size to fit in a 304 pixels wide and 192 pixels tall area enclosed by walls (an example is given in the save below).
    3. Give credit to the original save with a clickable sign, see wiki for sign commands.
    4. Put tag "shrinking2025" to participate in the contest.


    Example save:

    You can use the wall frame from that save in your own contest submissions.

    Rules clarifications
    You can take any save from pages 2-21 in the "by votes" sorting, and several participants can choose the same save.
    Your contest submission must contain only one shrinked save, even if the space allows to put another shrinked save. You may submit several contest saves.
    Everything outside of the 304x192 area enclosed by walls must be empty with the exception of signs.
    Your save must not spawn any particles outside the wall frame; use absorb wall or usual wall to prevent that.

    We will judge how well shrinked versions of the save represent the original save both in function and looks. Obviously, one cannot always reproduce all functions and details at a smaller scale, so you may use new elements and techniques which were not available in the original save; get creative.
    We will also take into account votes accumulated by contest submissions, so vote for the save you like to increase its chances to win.

    Contest dates
    Till 28th of Feburary 2025 (last day included).

    Have fun!
    Edited once by savask. Last: 31st January
  • z4dg9ssw135
    1st February Member 0 Permalink

    @savask (View Post)

    you should really add "using shrinker scripts/saves is prohibited" because it will be just copying (similar happened by Powderexe who used layering helper resize tool on tiny objects to later post them as their own)

  • savask
    1st February Developer 1 Permalink


    @savask (View Post)

    you should really add "using shrinker scripts/saves is prohibited" because it will be just copying (similar happened by Powderexe who used layering helper resize tool on tiny objects to later post them as their own)


    It's not really possible to be 100% sure that someone used a shrinking script/mod. In any case, saves which were shrunk with such tools won't win the contest, since they won't function well. We'll also make sure to look out for such saves when judging.

  • Lamboluuk
    14th February Member 0 Permalink

    Am i allowed to put my logo in the contest save? And if not, am i at least allowed to put a sign to my homepage in the save?

  • jacob1
    14th February Developer 0 Permalink
    @Lamboluuk (View Post)
    I'd prefer no logos outside the box. Signs are allowed though, so you can use that.