TPT Element Survey Results

  • jacob1
    30th January Developer 4 Permalink
    We recently did a survey to find the "best" TPT elements. We asked just 3 questions, and got 258 responses. I aggregated the results and threw out all the answers that were from mods or otherwise not TPT elements.

    So then, here are the results:


    EXOT wins as most interesting, with 32 votes. FILT was close by with 21, followed by PLUT and DEUT. EXOT definitely has a ton of weird unique reactions, I'm sure @Catelite will be happy to see her element win. I voted for GOL, which didn't make this chart, but if I aggregate all life types together, then it gets 6 votes total. One person voted PGRV, which isn't an element at all.


    DEUT easily wins as the most fun element, more than double the next element, PLUT. For a while, everyone was nominating unique elements here, it wasn't until 20 votes in that someone nominated the same element as another person.


    This one was a landslide for SPRK, which became obvious after the first day. That's also what I voted. No denying that subframe and any complex electronics save relies on SPRK. There's also some FILT, but not anywhere close to SPRK. TTAN also had a really strong showing, which did surprise me. I guess I understimated how useful air blocking elements are. Of course, we did just add another air blocking element, RSSS. That got 5 votes and also appears in the chart.

    A lot of tools got nominated here, including 4 PROPs, AIR, COOL, HEAT, and MIX. Of course tools are useful, but they definitely aren't elements.

    This survey was entirely @savask 's idea. I just created the form with the wording he wanted, and aggregated the results. If you found it fun, maybe we should consider more things like this. I thought about doing family fued with this on tptmp, but yeah I don't have the time for that lol. We may possibly use this survey to influence future decisions, but that wasn't really the goal. From my perspective it w as more about fun.

    More detailed statistics:
    Survey - 258 submissions
    Most interesting - 251 valid submissions, 1 tool, 6 invalid
    Most fun - 253 valid submissions, 1 wall (EHOLE), 4 invalid submissions
    Most useful - 239 valid submissions, 4 tools, 5 walls (all of them being WALL), 10 invalid submissions
  • tptQuantification
    30th January Member 0 Permalink

    Where on earth was this survey ???? 

    Nice graphs B) good data.

  • jacob1
    30th January Developer 1 Permalink
    It was in the MotD for a week lol. If you came here from the MotD, you were looking at the same place.

    Anyway, I also wanted to post the full results. Here they are, minus "invalid" submissions. I changed tools and walls to be OTHER.

    Most interesting:
    EXOT = 32 FILT = 21 PLUT = 14 DEUT = 14 VIBR = 11 TRON = 9
    NEUT = 9 SING = 8 LIFE = 6 HYGN = 6 VIRS = 6 PSTN = 6
    PHOT = 5 SPRK = 5 GBMB = 5 RSST = 5 PROT = 4 GEL = 4
    WATR = 4 PLSM = 4 GRAV = 3 RFRG = 3 ARAY = 3 STKM = 3
    URAN = 3 WARP = 3 LOLZ = 3 DEST = 2 FIRE = 2 PTNM = 2
    WIFI = 2 NBLE = 2 CLNE = 2 CRAY = 2 DMG = 2 LITH = 2
    WWLD = 2 POLO = 2 GLOW = 2 TUNG = 2 GRVT = 2 LOVE = 2
    DUST = 1 CONV = 1 MORT = 1 DRAY = 1 RSSS = 1 WHOL = 1
    DESL = 1 BGLA = 1 IRON = 1 ANAR = 1 BIZR = 1 OTHER= 1
    VRSG = 1 BOMB = 1 LRBD = 1 LN2 = 1 SHLD = 1 FRZW = 1
    CFLM = 1 ETRD = 1 SLCN = 1 AMTR = 1 LOXY = 1

    Most fun:
    DEUT = 43 PLUT = 20 DEST = 12 NEUT = 11 SPRK = 8 FIRE = 7
    FILT = 7 URAN = 7 FIRW = 6 PHOT = 6 PROT = 6 EXOT = 6
    VIBR = 6 SOAP = 5 PSTN = 5 STKM = 5 DMG = 5 DRAY = 4
    HYGN = 4 PLSM = 4 WATR = 4 SING = 4 GBMB = 3 TTAN = 3
    LIFE = 3 ETRD = 3 BOMB = 3 COAL = 2 BCOL = 2 BIZR = 2
    ARAY = 2 TNT = 2 TRON = 2 LIGH = 2 POLO = 2 GRVT = 1
    DUST = 1 FIGH = 1 PTNM = 1 STK2 = 1 RFRG = 1 FSEP = 1
    NBLE = 1 LOXY = 1 TUNG = 1 C-4 = 1 GUN = 1 OIL = 1
    BGLA = 1 IRON = 1 ISOZ = 1 YEST = 1 GEL = 1 LITH = 1
    ELEC = 1 SAWD = 1 WARP = 1 BMTL = 1 SLTW = 1 OTHER= 1
    HEAC = 1 LN2 = 1 LAVA = 1 SNOW = 1 THDR = 1 CONV = 1
    THRM = 1 GRAV = 1 WTRV = 1 EMP = 1 RBDM = 1 LOVE = 1
    VIRS = 1

    Most useful:
    SPRK = 74 TTAN = 31 FILT = 13 OTHER= 9 WATR = 8 DMND = 6
    DEUT = 6 CLNE = 6 INSL = 5 RSSS = 5 LIFE = 5 FIRE = 4
    CRMC = 4 PSTN = 4 PSCN = 4 PROT = 3 PLUT = 3 INST = 3
    CRAY = 3 BMTL = 3 NONE = 2 GBMB = 2 IRON = 2 PLSM = 2
    PIPE = 2 HEAC = 2 POLO = 2 WIFI = 2 NEUT = 2 DUST = 1
    DEST = 1 CONV = 1 NBLE = 1 QRTZ = 1 NITR = 1 BCOL = 1
    ARAY = 1 BGLA = 1 SING = 1 FOG = 1 PRTI = 1 VIBR = 1
    CFLM = 1 SNOW = 1 TUNG = 1 WARP = 1 URAN = 1 PCLN = 1
    DMG = 1 BOMB = 1 ISOZ = 1 BCLN = 1 BIZR = 1 METL = 1
    ROCK = 1 PHOT = 1 DSTW = 1 GPMP = 1 LOVE = 1 SLCN = 1
    Edited 2 times by jacob1. Last: 30th January
  • random_person
    31st January Member 0 Permalink

    Yippee I cohe DEUT and DEUT won the most fun vote and I chose that

  • BenBoi041
    31st January Member 0 Permalink

    Aw man i wish i surved too. :(

  • resic
    31st January Member 0 Permalink

    Really interesting, and I'm totaly for another air blocking element, because irl most materials are, that's why many realistic saves need an element like that. We definitely need some more. My individual preferences would be meltable and not sprk conducting. Other than that this really shows very interesting data. I like it.

    Edited once by resic. Last: 31st January
  • O_Mighty_One
    31st January Member 0 Permalink

    Without a doubt, SPRK is definately the most useful. When I voted, I thought it was going to be the only element chosen in that area.

  • OSMA
    31st January Member 0 Permalink


  • Soupyguy
    31st January Member 0 Permalink

    who up jacobing they 1 rn

  • YourLocalCapybara
    2nd February Member 0 Permalink

    EXOT: rainbows :D

    DEUT: if you put neutron then kaput

    SPRK: without this guy electronics would be impossible