The Powder Toy website 14 years ago

  • resicuts
    27th August Member 0 Permalink

    Just found the first snapshot of the TPT website. I have no idea why I'm posting this.


    You can also discover other snapshots of TPT here.


    It's really similar to the modern website. Even the "Topics that are not related to The Powder Toy should go here. Common sense and etiquette still applies." description of the "off topic" or now "General" descussions didn't change since 2010!

    Edited 3 times by resicuts. Last: 27th August
  • jacob1
    28th August Developer 0 Permalink
    Yep, not much has changed in 14 years lol. I could update the forum descriptions, but they are fine. Forums see very low usage these days anyway compared to 14 years ago.

    I like how a lot of the saves you can see in "Browse" are still on 2nd page today. And some are deleted like id:2745, I wonder why.

    If you want to see the even older site before Simon took over, see here:
    But seems like none of the website formatting got archived. It definitely used to look better, I'm sure of that.
  • resicuts
    29th August Member 0 Permalink

    @jacob1 (View Post)

     Yeah, I heard that the concept of TPT was pretty popular in 2010. I think there were even multiple versions of TPT run by different people, but I'm not sure.

  • Simon
    31st August Administrator 0 Permalink

    There's an older snapshot here, when there was nothing more than a download link: