Cooler Nationwide

  • kit237
    5th Feb 2024 Member 1 Permalink

    for those who dont know: nationwide is a save in TPT with a map in which players, with the help of comments, can create and manage their nation using not only the specified path for building things, but also their own way (like in D&D). examples:


    I participated in several and I have ideas to improve this type of saves.

    mechanics I want to add:

    1) fog of war will be added (hosts will give players a save ID where unknown areas of the map will be erased) and players will not know what the map looks like until they examine it.

    2) players will not know other players and their alliances/wars/inventions of other players, unless other players tell or show them, or unless the player discovers it through spies/random events.

    3) players will have more stats such as wit, luck, trust of others, karma, etc.

    4) random events can be made by both players and hosts (such as "I found an ore deposit"), but events from players can be accepted or rejected by throwing a dice or coin or something like that, depending on the probability of such an event.

    5) tables indicating buildings/combat units will be personal for everyone, since only the hosts have the complete initial map.

    6) hosts or players (themselves) can create events with choices for players (like "*an unknown scientist asks you to fund his research. [refuse] or [agree]?"), but the outcomes of certain options are decided by the hosts.

    7) players will not only have indicators of money, but also resources that will be extracted from biomes (as in HMM 3: wood, ore, sulfur, crystals, gems, mercury)

    8) restrictions on moves. Players can take a limited number of actions per turn.

    9) aging and dying mechanic, that is, the player will not just be some kind of immortal personification of his nation, but will grow old and die from this or something else.

    10) reincarnation mechanic, that is, after a player has died, he can be reincarnated in another incarnation. I also want to introduce a heir mechanic so that players can arrange a game of thrones.

    and one more thing: the soul will reincarnate into someone only at the moment of his receiving intelligence (~5 years) and not at the moment of his birth. There will also be a mechanic for regents, that is, if a player should already receive the throne but is not yet mature, he will have a regent (so that the state does not fall apart due to the decisions of a 2-year-old or something like that). and also, if at the moment when the heir should already receive the mind there is no player who could reincarnate him, he will be replaced by a neural network until that same player appears

    11) karma mechanicks

    12) luck mechanicks

    13) determining luck according to the astrological calendar

    14) Make the luck stat visible and trackable in game.

    15) Add different luck-based events or situations that could occur during the game, requiring different luck levels to succeed/survive.

    16) Allow players to use artifacts that can temporarily increase or decrease their luck, giving them more control over the game and making for more dynamic gameplay.

    17) management will take place not through comments but through discord
    18) multiple hosts and in different time zones
    I want to know what you think about this and if you want to participate as a player/host.

    also probably for the sake of a cooler experience from nationwide, every Sunday/every weekend there will be something like a session in discord during which if each player finishes their turn, then the year will immediately pass. 


    list of problems I want to solve:

    1)“keep building buildings and expand” is what I called the problem. it lies in the fact that sometimes nationwides simply turn into a game of “whoever writes a comment first wins.” if someone who joined on the first day just writes the same message every day "keep building buildings and expand", then he will be virtually unkillable.

    solution: creating higher prices for buildings and less income, but you need to leave some loopholes (i.e. if the player has a large sawmill, then using the resources mined there you can make prices lower, because he already has building materials)


    2)unclear prices. damn unclear prices! It’s just necessary to make clear prices for buildings and all sorts of things.


    3)dead players. sometimes players simply disappear from the information field without a trace, and because of this it is not clear what to do with this dead nation.

    solution: replacing the player with artificial intelligence/another player


    4)inadequacy of orders. sometimes players for no reason just write "MELT THE SAND AND GET GLASS. WHAT? HOW DO I KNOW HOW TO MAKE GLASS?!?! BECAUSE I WANTED TO KNOW IT!!!". It is better to force players to provide adequate reasons for any actions.

    solution: either make explanations for such orders yourself, or tell the player that he must make explanations for orders (this cannot be explained through psychological disorders and through visions/hallucinations).


    5)hyper expansionary growth. sometimes an entire world empire arises in 6 years, it even sounds stupid. need to slow this down for the sake of realism

    solution: make birth charts and use solutions 1


    6)structural buildings. for some reason, ABSOLUTELY everyone imitates MT and makes ugly structures of CNCT and COAL. it will be much better if they use single pixels. the only ones who didn't make the structure are me and

    solution: use regular normal pixels


    7)disputes. all players think that if they manage to convince their opponent in a dispute, then the battle around which there was a dispute will certainly be winning, because even the enemy admitted that he would lose there. however, of course no one will be convinced.

    solution: do not use public chats, it is better to force players to give orders to the host in private messages


    8)the unjustification of existence in TPT. There are sites that are more convenient for nationwides, so it is necessary to justify the existence of nationwides in TPT. for this you need to use things like temp, life, tmp, tmp2 and ctype



                                                      !!!ZERO SESSION IS NOW HELD!!!

    see instructions for joining in the save. (id to copy: 3085274)

    problems I've already encountered:
    1) "ROOM SERVICE?!?!?" some people think that I should respond to all messages at the speed of light.

    2) lazy players. sometimes active players try to interact with lazy ones, and as a result the active one has to wait sometimes all day

    3) frozen players. without reason, some leave their nations for entire weeks.

    Edited 4 times by kit237. Last: 17th Mar 2024
  • ThingamabobOverseer
    9th Feb 2024 Member 0 Permalink

    pulled pork moment

    Edited once by ThingamabobOverseer. Last: 9th Feb 2024
  • yesyesy
    10th Feb 2024 Member 1 Permalink

    woah those are a lot of things youre gonna add
    good luck!

  • erictom333
    12th Feb 2024 Member 0 Permalink

    Let me give my thoughts.

    • 1, 2, 5, and 18 would be too impractical to implement, as you'd have to have one save for each player
    • 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, and 16 seem unnecessary
    • 4 doesn't make sense as stated; usually, players state their intent to do or find something,nsuch as "Search for an ore deposit", and it is up to the host to decide if it is successful or not (like you state)
    • 6 usually happens in most nationwides
    • 7 is a good idea
    • 8 seems logical
    • 9 and 10 go against how nationwides normally work and would add another layer of complexity
    • 17 is a bad idea, not everyone has Discord
  • ASimpleCreator
    25th Feb 2024 Member 0 Permalink

    i agree, ive tried to do 1 before and it was too much work

  • VoidLord002
    25th Feb 2024 Member 0 Permalink

    rules I agree with: 1 2 6 8 9 10 18

    rules that I'm me[t]h with:3 4 5 

    rules I disaprove: 11 to 16


    also, come to think of it, Why don't we make a discord server for making wides? multiple hosting will be easier and so will other things. like getting into wides first, or asking for tips faster, or other. well? will you join the all new nation wide creator's club server (note:the server is only taking pre-orders)

    Edited once by VoidLord002. Last: 25th Feb 2024
  • aCreativeAndroid
    27th Feb 2024 Member 0 Permalink

    Seems interesting, some of the ideas seem like a lot of effort to inpliment but if done well will be good.

    4 is bad.

    9 and 10 are complicated and go against how nationwides normaly work but might be interesting to see.

    Not everyone has discord.

  • Umm
    4th Mar 2024 Member 1 Permalink

    Hello, nationwide veteran and infrequent host here to give my two cents:

    1: a very good idea but impossibly impractical to accomplish due to the immense amount of time it'd take to maintain for every player,

    2: a mechanic that is present in every good nationwide, I'd refer you to ones hosted by MinecraftTranquility and Rubidianlabs as an example,

    3: player stats is.. flat out stupid. You can't really display things that you can't quantify in-game like someone's real life charisma,

    4: random events by their very nature are random and should exclusively be given out by the host as the medium of randomness,

    5: tables indicating anything displayed on the map need to be standardized, not only for the hosts sanity but also for  the players, these are very basic information bubbles that everyone needs to know at a glance,

    6: that's usually handled by you funding and creating science departments and such, you are managing a nation,

     7: you are, again, managing a nation. Resources are something you create prospecting for and then get as a result and are impossible to individually track for hosts,

    8: a decent idea, personally more of a fan of limiting words in a order cycle,

    9: an interesting mechanic you will come to hate rapidly or make redundant, empires take hundreds if not thousands of years to mature, good luck keeping up,

    10-16: just, no,

    17: this is something that happens in all good wides since.. late Edir if not earlier in some other obscure wide

    18: a very good idea were it not for the fact that everyone is biased and coordinating hosts is going to be difficult, I'd love to see someone try though!

    Edited once by Umm. Last: 4th Mar 2024
  • LightningBMW
    4th Mar 2024 Member 0 Permalink

    @VoidLord002 (View Post)

     there is actually a server, just the newer nationwide players arent on it, and theres little contact between the MT hosted wides and the three new wides

  • kit237
    5th Mar 2024 Member 0 Permalink

    @Umm (View Post)

     ha, im already running nationwide and the fog of war mechanic doesnt give me any problems