How to correctly compile the AndroidPort

  • Hoita
    6th January Member 0 Permalink

    How to correctly compile the Android port of TPT. I followed the instructions provided at However, when performing the final compilation, numerous errors occurred. Here is the error log: I am using SDK version 24.4.1 and NDK version 20.

  • jacob1
    7th January Developer 0 Permalink
    Your sdk and ndk are pretty out of date. Most of those errors are from lack of c++17 support. Try updating both, using the links in the guide.

    That will get you closer to compiling, but I worry about the curl/system.h errors. Seems like I may have committed some symlinks and deleted a few necessary files.
  • Hoita
    7th January Member 0 Permalink

    @jacob1 (View Post)


    This is the new compilation report I received after updating to the latest version:

    $ ./
    Android NDK: android-16 is unsupported. Using minimum supported version android-21.
    Android NDK: ERROR:jni/../jni/curl/ LOCAL_SRC_FILES points to a missing file
    Android NDK: Check that jni/../jni/curl/lib-armeabi-v7a/ exists or that its path >
    /home/noita/TPT/SDK/ndk/build/core/ *** Android NDK: Aborting

  • jacob1
    7th January Developer 0 Permalink
    I made some updates now to fix compiling. Update both the tpt and the sdl repos and compiling should work now.

    android-sdl: Symlinked libraries are now part of the repo itself
    The-Powder-Toy: Update to c++17, remove bad linker arg, and fix compile error in #ifdef block
    Edited once by jacob1. Last: 7th January