sprk conducting across 2pixel gap of air

  • PigLover5
    23rd Dec 2023 Member 0 Permalink

    ther is 2 wires.ther is a 2 pixel gap of non-conducing mitiral.it shode not go across.spark does not care and goes

    across anyway.plese help.UPDATE:This only happens if 1.one or more of the wires is made of gold. 2.the gap is 3 pixels or less no mater what non-conducdive mitral is used in the gap.

    Edited once by PigLover5. Last: 23rd Dec 2023
  • EnganK
    23rd Dec 2023 Member 0 Permalink
    GOLD receives a SPRK that is 3 pixels away from it, which is normal behavior documented on the wiki. PTNM has the same properties.
    Edited 3 times by EnganK. Last: 23rd Dec 2023