Very simple element ideas

  • LogikMacherDE
    20th Dec 2023 Member 2 Permalink

    if you mess this up im going to f- me laughing anyways



    like rabidium but spreads a bit when it explodes melts at 97C



    good cunducter for heat & electric changes color with oxyg and at somepoint turns into patina(posion) melts at 1.085C



    if coal is 9000C+ and 250presure+ may 5% chance turn into that can also be diamond with 0.008% chance also cunducts well but weak melts at 3750C



    weak but light if powder (brel kinda) you can make termit with it cunducts heat really good


    quark gluon plasma

    its when prot or neut are with bugs heated to infC they turn into quarks


    deutrium or hydrogen 2

    you can make water with it and its 11% heavy made by hydrogen fusion


    tritium or hydrogen 3

    even heavyer and radioactive made by fireing neut at lith


    up / down quarks

    depending the ratio it becomes neut or prot


    other ideas


    Neut sould decay into a prot and elec after its tmp of something is 0 but high gravity it is neut


    and dont say theres mods for that like theres phones where 99% of the mods dont work and also the game is steps from dying back in march many quit and now 40% less save making or smth you dont even have to add all 1 is fine but please add more than 1 meaby quark idea bit wierd


  • ArolaunTech
    20th Dec 2023 Member 2 Permalink

    I think this is cool, but here are my suggestions:


    Sodium is basically just RBDM


    Copper would be cool, how about it speed-conducts like GOLD and has the heat conductivity of HEAC? Maybe some interesting catalytic reactions or something?


    Graphite would also be cool. I don't think it should be produced with COAL (would break saves), but maybe it has uses like dyeing things black or having extremely high heat tolerance. I don't think it should be weak like TUNG.


    BREL = aluminum


    I can't really think of uses for quarks in TPT


    Deuterium might have some interesting reactions, but it shouldn't be produced from hydrogen fusion


    Tritium might be cool, maybe it fuses with deuterium and releases a lot of neutrons at a really low temp


    Again, what are the uses for quarks?


    NEUT decay would probably break saves and it would be weird to make it based on properties



  • NotAChair
    20th Dec 2023 Member 1 Permalink

    Here's my thoughts:
    As I have stated on the discord server I think that aluminum should be added as a solid that blocks pressure but can also be deformed by pressure(kinda like broken GOO except it doesn't dissapear and resists movement a bit more). BREL being aluminum is just a contrivance for a way to make THRM.

    Tritium being made by firing NEUT at LITH would be cool, although Idk what tritium would do. Maybe it could act as a slightly more powerful gasseous version of DEUT. Maybe it could also react with GRVT in the same way. 

  • 008cff
    14th Jan 2024 Member 0 Permalink

    @ArolaunTech (View Post)

     maybe the uses for quarks could be a particle collider? or like gravitons, penetrate things?