What is FourOhFour?

  • Beamngdriver
    13th Dec 2023 Member 0 Permalink

    I deleted a save today that i didnt intend to be on fp. I noticed when i reloaded the front page, it was still there. I clicked on it and it said Error. A dog or something and it said i dont know. It was by a bot FourOhFour, 1969. Soon after I clicked off it and reloaded the fp it dissapeared. 

    Why did that happen?

    Please help.

  • Liver_K
    13th Dec 2023 Member 0 Permalink

    All IDs that are associated with deleted saves on the simulation server load the 404 save. The reason it took a bit to update is probably just because deleted saves are removed from the FP in a step that takes place after you delete the save and there is a delay between the two.

  • Jerehmia
    15th Dec 2023 Member 0 Permalink

    @Beamngdriver (View Post)

     You don't need to delete saves if you don't want them on FP or don't want their votes to be counted in your average, unpublishing them is enough.


    I think the 404 (a HTML status repsonse signifying that the page/object wasn't found on the server) is caused by caching. Caching is used to reduce the load on a primary server by storing frequently requested data (saves) on secondary servers and preferring to get data from the secondaries. The secondaries lag behind the primary server a bit so if something is deleted from the primary references to it will still be present on the secondary servers for a little while, causing intermittent errors like these.

    Edited 4 times by Jerehmia. Last: 15th Dec 2023