Cloning an element and it's life value?

  • quiantkbw123
    6th Aug 2023 Member 0 Permalink

    I want to clone smoke and make it disipear after awhile (to not build) but I'm not sure how to make clone or pbcn do that. It seems like I can only manually add life to something and that it can't spawn in with it.


    Im making cigarete smoke in a bunker and don't want to add void to remove the smoke. I'm using delay and pbcn so it isn't a constant flow of smoke (like just using clone or mort) but given enough time it still builds up.

  • z4dg9ssw135
    7th Aug 2023 Member 0 Permalink

    @quiantkbw123 (View Post)

    You can use CRAY with needed life,tmp and tmp2 properties but it isnt so destructible sadly