Im not sure how to stop polonium from making neutrons (If there even is a way). Is there any way I can stop polonium from producing neutrons, preferably while keeping it reactive?
POLO turns gray when it's tmp reaches 5; at that point, it'll cease neutron production but will continue to heat up to a maximum of 239.018F.
You could also set the tmp below 0 so it can still generate heat from neutrons (without generating them).
@eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee (View Post)
piston with absorbing element or reflecting or try use mercury fluidic pipes
The tmp below 0 or 5 is what id like to go for but ill try the piston/mercury pipe one too. What I wanted to ask is how I can set the tmp with the CLNE or the PCLN.
@eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee (View Post)
use cray clone cant do it
okay one last question and im sorry for all the questions but, im not sure how to set the tmp of the polo. i cant set the cray to said tmp since thats the range and making polo with tmp 5 or tmp below 0 touch it doesnt seem to work.
This works, thank you.