so i went to chat gpt to help so i got taken down the highway to hell first i had to install meson and ninja i had some trouble with ninja but eventually i got the when i ram meson build i gave the output to chat gpt so i ended up having to run set CC=gcc set CXX=g++ it fixed everything but one so i had to install mingw w 64 i had could get a gcc compiler which meson couldnt find but there was no bin folder which i needed in mingw to add it to my path variables but there was a makefile so i tried to build it with make it didnt work so i had to install make and add it to my path variables which didnt work so i downloaded gnuwin32 and a more recent version of make which was a tar.gz file so i had to extract it twice to get a folder and i needed to run
sudo make install
which didnt work in thw command prompt so i had to install cygwin and that didnt work if needed i can provide the whole conversation
Python was not found; run without arguments to install from the Microsoft Store, or disable this shortcut from Settings > Manage App Execution Aliases. was the output when i ran
python -m pip install --upgrade pip pip install --upgrade meson ninja
i did and it still gave that output