help save my sanity with meson

  • maculum_okori
    26th Mar 2023 Member 0 Permalink

    so i went to chat gpt to help so i got taken down the highway to hell first i had to install meson and ninja i had some trouble with ninja but eventually i got the when i ram meson build i gave the output to chat gpt so i ended up having to run set CC=gcc set CXX=g++ it fixed everything but one so i had to install mingw w 64 i had could get a gcc compiler which meson couldnt find but there was no bin folder which i needed in mingw to add it to my path variables but there was a makefile so i tried to build it with make it didnt work so i had to install make and add it to my path variables which didnt work so i downloaded gnuwin32 and a more recent version of make which was a tar.gz file so i had to extract it twice to get a folder and i needed to run 

    sudo make install

    which didnt work in thw command prompt so i had to install cygwin and that didnt work  if needed i can provide the whole conversation

  • jacob1
    26th Mar 2023 Developer 1 Permalink
    First, never use chat gpt for anything TPT related, we've tried it enough to prove it doesn't actually know much about TPT.

    So after that, start following this guide from the beginning, it will explain how to compile TPT:
    Edited once by jacob1. Last: 26th Mar 2023
  • maculum_okori
    26th Mar 2023 Member 0 Permalink

    Python was not found; run without arguments to install from the Microsoft Store, or disable this shortcut from Settings > Manage App Execution Aliases. was the output when i ran 

    python -m pip install --upgrade pip
    pip install --upgrade meson ninja

  • jacob1
    26th Mar 2023 Developer 0 Permalink
    @maculum_okori (View Post)
    Install it using the website linked in the guide. Have the installer add python to PATH when you run it. You'll need to reopen your cmd prompt if you already had it open.
  • maculum_okori
    26th Mar 2023 Member 0 Permalink

    @jacob1 (View Post)

     i did and it still gave that output

  • jacob1
    26th Mar 2023 Developer 0 Permalink
    @maculum_okori (View Post)
    Reinstall python again and make sure you told it to add to your PATH. If that doesn't work, restart your computer. Also be sure to use cmd.exe
  • hlipperjohn
    2nd Oct 2023 Member 0 Permalink
    This post has been removed by jacob1: suspected ai-generated answer
    Edited once by LBPHacker. Last: 2nd Oct 2023