Most credit goes to LOADSTAR!!
This is a guide to Body V5 save edit by Believeitornot. If you are interested, save id ID:2825862
1)Basics of The Body
1.1)The body is a self perpetuating electrical circuit. His LIFE METER mainly depends on if the brain is receiving blood or not. Other things that can affect the life meter is blood O2, eating food, CO2 levels, and blood amount in the body. If one or more of these requirements are not met, he will die.
1.1.1)Blood output. The blood output is a result of a heart beat. In a normal beat, There is an adequate level of blood output to keep things balanced. However, in events such as cardiac arrest(can naturally happen), heart failure(change in heart GPMP temp), v tach(incredibly fast heartbeat), or complete sinus node arrest(the top chambers of the heart doesn't beat) can cause the brain to lose blood flow. If blood flow halts, the heart will turn to a state of v fib, which is very similar to v tach. Unless blood flow is restored, the heart will continue this rhythm until the body dies.
1.1.2) Blood O2. Blood O2 is usually stable. Most of the time, the body can control its O2 levels.
1.1.3) Food. The food particle I am reffering to is SALT. The body ingests salt to maintain function, but unfortunately he cannot feed himself just yet. A new energy storing mechanism may be installed, though. DISCLAIMER: Overeating can kill.
1.1.4) CO2. Similar to blood o2, the body can maintain it's own blood CO2 under normal circumstances. But unlike blood o2, the body is not necessarily affected by it directly. High blood CO2 slows O2 perfusion. This means the body can't use as much o2 compared to the normal state. High CO2 levels is usually caused by brain and/or lung damage.
1.1.5)Blood amount. Too much blood results in low O2 perfusion. Too little blood can cause shock and the heart to stop beating.
1.2)Alarms at the top right side of the screen can alert different emergencies.
1.2.1)The first alarm is the "Hungry" alarm. This alarm is blue in color. It is pretty self-explanatory. To stop the alarm, feed body some SALT through the green funnel on the side of screen.
1.2.2)The next alarm is a dangerous alarm titled "PAIN:(". This sign lights up during a heart attack, shock from defib, and stomache pain. Make sure to look out for heart attacks when it lights up.
1.2.3)The third alarm is simply an "!". This means the body is experiencing a feeling of impending doom. This sign can light up anytime at random depending on the blood output. But watch out! This sign can point out cardiac arrest.
1.3.1)Epinephrine(Orange bag, GLOW). Epinephrine/adrenaline is a drug used to speed up the heart significantly and almost unpredictably. This medication is used solely for cardiac arrest, because it can cause the heart to deteriorate quickly.
1.3.2)Beta-Blockers(Deep blue, ANAR). Beta-Bloackers are used to slow the heart down and remove the effect of Epinephrine. Too much dont pose an actual harm, but it is advised against in and/or after scenarios where the body has suffered cardiac arrest. Beta blockers do not exit the body by themselves and requires "Glucagon". New update causes it to scatter around the body, so try to to use it too much for now.
1.3.3)Glucagon(CFLM clone). Glucagon is a reversal for Beta-Blockers. Due to it's short half-life in the body, it does not affect any function of body.(in game)
1.3.4)Adenosine(white-purplish stuff, PSTE). Adenosine is an experimental drug used to subdue SVT in game. It stops the heart entirely for a few seconds and the heart returns to normal(if the svt is halted). However, overuse can lead to v fib, followed by cardiac arrest. It has a very short half-life in the body.
1.3.5)SLTW syringe. Stick this syringe at the spongy column in the abdomen. It will inject food directly into the intestines. Use it to treat cardiac arrest that is caused by starvation.
1.4.1)Cyanide(Cyan, Gel tmp(100)). Cyanide is used to prevent complete cellular respiration, resulting in death from "O2 deprivation". The antidote is a SLTW given right where the poison has it's effects (VINE will grow where the poison takes effect). You will know when you have given enough antidote when there is minimal vine growth left. However, Too much SLTW can mess with the heart's conduction system. Sometimes, there will be a glitch where the tmp of the gel reduces to under 100, causing a clot and major organ damage too.
1.4.2)Mercury(MERC). Messes up the heart. No cure.
1.4.3)Deuterium(DEUT life(65535). Takes up all the space for blood to pump. Must be drained out.
1.4.4)Liquid rubidium(LRBD). Explodes.
1.4.5)Clay dust(CLST). Can cause clots in the body and maybe even death.
1.4.6)Yellow-red pill(YEST). Literally just yeast. Can multiply uncontrollably until they die. And then they catch on fire.
2) Organ Function
2.1)Brain. The brain is a crucial organ in the body. It's main function is to control functions such as breathing, consciousness, bladder control, and most importantly it's direct corellation with the LIFE METER. It is divided into different parts based on different functions. (disclaimer: not medically accurate parts)
2.1.1)The front. The front part of the brain controls consciousness. If it loses it's function, the body will be in a vegetative state. Though not needed, it is a nice detail and can be a sign of circulation problems.
2.1.2)The middle. The middle part of the brain controls breathing. Electricity in this part of the brain is organised for the most part. Moreover, it can be used to detect abnormalities in the body system. Low firing in that area means anesthesia usage. On the other hand, fast and messy firing can depict adrenaline surge or a heart attack.
2.1.3)The back. The back part is responsible for bladder control. A sever in this part can cause an inability to pee, leading to kidney failure. In a traumatic brain injury, an electrical pathway there can mix together and cause a complete inability to hold urine.
2.1.4)The bottom. This part contributes to the LIFE METER. If the this part was damaged, the body can die.
2.2)The heart. This is a major organ needed for the body to survive. The heart has 2 main parts, the heart unit and the actual heart. The heart unit is a somewhat foolproof mechanism to prevent sudden cardiac arrest. But of course, to keep it realistic we have to include ways that it can still respond to negatively. Such effects like lessened blood output can put the heart into overdrive, causing cardiac arrest. Other than this, most heart problems arise from the heart itself rather than the control unit. The normal conduction pathway of the heart starts from the SA node(WIFI tmp34), which recieves direct stimulation from the heart unit. Next, the signal travels down the left side of the heart resulting in a heartbeat in atria. Next, the current travels through the second GPMP at the bottom left of the heart, causing a similar effect. Afterwards, the current makes it's way to the right portion of the heart, where it passes the AV node (WIFI tmp49). The current then passes a DLAY(temp 12C) where it splits into 2 different currents. The first current travels up to activate the last and most powerful GPMP that pumps the most blood(aka the ventricles). The second current, however, travels through another DLAY(temp 4C) that deactivates the ventricles. and that is 1 complete cardiac cycle. All WIFI pixels related to the heart structure are tmp 1, 3, 10, 17, 34, 49, (SA nodal wifi = tmp 17 34, AV nodal wifi = 49, Atrial wifi = 3 10, Adrenaline reaction wifi = 1)Since the heart is so detailed, I made a save at id:2928503 to visualize its functions.
2.3)Kidneys. Kidneys get rid of toxins the body ingest and produces. These waste products include sand and deut. But the kidneys themselves do not remove every toxin.
2.4)Liver. The liver, although basically invisible, is located at the neck(which is weird). It's a combination of many STOR blocks that filter gel, sltw, bcol, stne, pste, glow, and merc. These waste products are then transformed into sand for the kidneys to remove from the body.
2.5)Bladder. Stores and excretes urine.
2.6) Lungs. There are 2 parts to the lungs. The first part is the pressure system. Although not very accurate, the pressure system is outside the body and shaped like 2 squares. Each square generates its own level of pressure and INVS pixels to excrete CO2 and take in O2. The second part is the actual lung. This is where the O2 goes from the pressure system. There, the O2 is absorbed through a thin membrane into the blood stream. However, CO2 is discarded via a STOR pixel located in the back, near the end of the spine. After being abosorbed there, CO2 is taken into the pressure system and brought out through the nose.
2.7.1)Esophagus. Brings food to the stomache.
2.7.2)Stomache. The main stomache is a round container with water(bottom right). When salt is ingested, the salt mixes with water to make SLTW.
2.7.3)Small intestine. Uses SPNG to absorbs water from SLTW, leaving just salt for ingestion purposes.
2.7.4)Large intestine. Excretes leftover food in the form of BCOL that was unable to be absorbed by the small intestine.
3.1.1)Cardiac arrest. This is a situation where the heart is not pumping blood at all. The heart is most likely in vfib, vtach, or asystole. Fatal without treatment. Treatment of choice: SLTW syringe, epinephrine, defibrillation. CO2 mouth piece can also be used to check if the body breathes out CO2, which is a sign of successful resuscitation. O2 support is also crucial.
3.1.2)Heart block. On the left side of the heart, you may see a BRMT pixel. If the BRMT pixel becomes dislodged, this can cause incomplete conduction throughout the heart. This is fatal because the BRMT conducts directly to the ventricles to cause a heart beat. Treatment includes placing a new conduction pathway directly in the heart where the current is not passing.
3.1.3)SVT. This heartbeat abnormallty arrives when the heart has a premature beat, causing a very fast heart rate. The SVT in this case is called AVNRT. For now, this rhythm cannot terminate itself and must be cardioverted/defibrillated.
3.1.4)Heart attack. Caused by a lack of blood passing through the coronary artery. This can happen from cornary artery damage aka radiation, heat, block. This causes a high resting heart rate. If the heart is left like this for too long he will keep going into cardiac arrest until the cause it is fixed. Symptoms are pain and potential loss of consciousness.
3.2)Kidney failure is when the kidneys fail to filter out new waste. Usually caused by a build up of urine in the bladder. It is not a permanent condition. Treatment includes draining urine or using the dialysis machine. Over time, build up of waste sediment impairs heart function.
3.3)Brain damage is when the brain conduction pathway is damaged. Usually permanent unless you invasively replace the pathways in the brain with a new circuit or pixels.
3.4)Oxygen deprivation. Is caused by pressure problems in the pressure system, or a block in the lungs. Treatment options include ventilating, or draining particles in the lung. Respiratory arrest occurs when the pressure system fails completely or connection with th middle brain is damaged. This is treated with a ventilator. If left untreated, the human will die. This also causes anaerobic respiration, causing the human to die from blood poisoning.
3.5)Hypokalemia. Is caused by long periods of starvation. Hypokalemia is a condition where the body doesn't have enough potassium in the blood. This can caused cardiac arrest. In game it is only realistic toa certain extent.
4.1)Cardiac arrest. Start CPR by pressing N like how you would do chest compressions. Whilst doing so, find the root cause of the problem.
4.1.1)In the early stage, the body is in Vtach, attach paddles and charge the defibrillator. Place battery to spark the ENABLE HEART button. Administer Shock. If it doesn't resolve, consider SLTW syringe and Advanced airway. Try another round of defibrillation. If he is unable to revert back to sinus rhythm, consider epinephrine, and shock again. Stop CPR only if you obtain ROSC, or the heart is in asystole. Make sure that everytime you stop CPR that "Newtonian Gravity" is on. Immediately after obtaining ROSC, put the body on O2 and check his coronary artery for further damage. If there is none, just monitoring his vitals should be enough. If there is damage or plaque, feed STNE/pink-yellow pill through the food dropper, clear it out and reconstruct the tissue.
4.1.2)However, if cardiac arrest has happened for a bit and had progressed to asystole/agonal, Epinephrine should be adminitered right away. Afterwards, shock if the rhythm converts to vfib and treat it with the 4.1.1 algorithm.
4.3)O2 tank. Uzsed with the ventilator to deliver O2 with the mouth piece.
4.4)et CO2. This is a measurement of co2 output per breath. To use, put the mouthpiece right on the body's mouth. The red graph is etCO2, the pink graph is Blood O2.
4.5)O2 mouth piece. Usually used with the etCO2. To use, Put the CO2 mouthpiece on the mouth, then apply it to it's designated location. You will know where the designated location is because it will fit perfectly with the mouth cover and the body's own mouth.
4.6)Anesthesia tank. It is a tank containing deut. To use, intubate the patient(putting the etCO2 and O2 on the body's mouth). The body will stop breathing, so becareful. It also treats pain(pain alert). This has not been well develop and can cause death.
5.1)Immediately after death, the body becomes unable to support itself without medical intervention.The heart will stop and start an agonal rhythm. The brain is in a state of hyper activity.
5.2)Within a minute the heart stops, followed by halt of electrical activity in the brain.
5.3)After a few minutes, brain damage becomes irreversible(unless you replace components of the circuit in the brain area of the map)
5.4)O2 levels drop after breathing stops.
5.5)Waste sediment piles in the dead heart as there is no pressure to transport it to the kidneys.
5.6)All life dependant electrical activity stops.
5.7)Rescucitation is still possible, but he will not live very long without a ventilator.
Oh and, what is the heart made of? Like how does it work and stuff? And if you can, can you tell me how to make a heart?