elemet 312 OBAM 930 isotope of obamium a element that extreme reactive to neutrons and when it touches neutron it stars extreme fusion that can last 60000 colisions with neutrons and after decays into into OBMB obomba crystal that creates insanely strong explosion when touches ANYTHING - make everything on screen turn into OBFP obamium fusion plasma and create super strong fusion that never stops and always 9999 kelvins no matter what and also anihilates everything even walls
Unfortunately,this suggestion is not a good fit for The Powder Toy. While I appreciate the thought and effort that went into the suggestion, there are a few key issues that prevent it from being implemented.
First, the element is extremely overpowered, to the point of being broken. This is not something that would be fun or interesting to play with, and would likely ruin any simulation it was used in.
Second, the element is not realistic. While we do allow for some elements to be less realistic than others, this one goes too far.
Third, the element is not original. We have had many requests for elements that are similar to this one, and have decided not to add them for the reasons stated above.
You also have not provided any uses for this element, which makes it difficult to judge how interesting or fun it would be to play with. I encourage you to continue to submit suggestions, but please keep these issues in mind in the future. Thank you!
** EDIT: Yes, but that doesn't dispell the nature of this post being an element suggestion.
I'd presume anyone willing enough to contribute a meme element suggestion for sake of april fools would want to create something original.
Regular suggestions are seldomly added to the game these days as it is, so an april fools suggestion would need to be extremely creative and unique in order to guarantee it's addition to the game
apologies for the bump but imma write my own obamium element here, dont take this seriously
Obamium, OBAM
'Obamium, a strange powder that tends to form crystalline shapes.'
Obamium is a durable magenta powder. It has a multitude of strange properties and coalesces into floating triangles or prisms given enough time, somewhat like SOAP.
It reacts with a lot of heavy elements like itself. It reacts with URAN to form PLUT and POLO. It reacts differently with exotic matter depending on the temperature, with lower temperatures making it explode and higher temperatures forming antimatter with a flash of light. It also forms a boundary layer of goo when near water, and upon contact with water, it will begin to rapidly change heat.
its more like obama tesseract from fandom page