How to se up a tpt server

  • bogroll1234
    24th Oct 2022 Member 0 Permalink
    Hi. I'm thinking of setting up my own The Powder Toy server for TPTMP. I've tried searching, but most articles are old and out of date. Can anybody help me? If you do, there will be great gratitude from me towards you.

  • _Theo
    24th Oct 2022 Member 0 Permalink

    you could just set up your own room instead of a separate server

  • Sylvi
    24th Oct 2022 Moderator 0 Permalink


    you could just set up your own room instead of a separate server

    This is the recommended route. Setting up and hosting a TPTMP server is complicated and just not worth it. Since you'd need to maintain the data, resolve authentication, set up your network properly, and point any TPTMP client scripts to that address/port. It's nothing like setting up a Minecraft server or whatever.
  • LBPHacker
    24th Oct 2022 Developer 0 Permalink
    I'm not sure what articles you mean exactly. If it's a TPTMP server that you want to set up, follow its readme.

    But yeah, just join your own room. Creating your own server isn't worth the trouble.
    Edited once by LBPHacker. Last: 24th Oct 2022
  • Tommy_
    10th Dec 2022 Member 0 Permalink

    A VPS? I know that using a VPS for other types of game servers is possible but I don't know if it would work for TPT. This might have been what Lockheedmartin was saying is complicated, a VPS can be confusing for a first-time user.