I don't know what to use as a fuel in nuclear reactor, because I don't understand uranium physics in TPT.
In real life uranium throws neutrons and energy which crashes into another uranium cores which throws energy and neutrons too, reactors have control rods which slow down neutrons and reaction to not allow reactor melt down. The reactors also cools down by water to get steam which will rotate turbines and make electricity.
So in TPT as I know uranium doesn't realizes any neutrons. I know Polonium it's more similar to uranium then URAN in TPT.
If you know any good fuel for nuclear reactors please help. Thanks.
uranium is good fuel for rtg but need alot of pressure
polonium weak rtg only but can be iradiated with protons for
plutonium strong fuel that hard to use need mercury or titanium control rods and something to decelerate neutrons like using water for steam and stronger fission
deuterium - mixed with plutonium polonium
can create alot of power for long time but hard to use
deuterium polonium cell reactor
very hard to control because it is made from spheres filled with polonium or deuterium can work for near infinite time but needs moderation with mercury and somehow refill polonium
proton spark fusion
change spark by using prop to prot and increase lifetime for make diferent fusion proces change tmp