how to change the value of Falldown

    5th Aug 2022 Member 0 Permalink

    so imagine a situation where i want to make a liquid element that when in contact with a water particle turns its falldown into a solid 

    so the question is how to change the falldown of a element after the particle was placed,

    or if there is a way to do that?

  • Cracker1000
    5th Aug 2022 Member 0 Permalink

    You can change the falldown like that but unfortunately it's a global property that would affect all the particles of that element in simulation area and not just the ones which are in contact with WATR. You can however change some non-commonly used property like .tmp and add a check that sets the .vx and .vy property of that element to 0 making it act like a solid. You have to keep other things in mind if you use this approach tho since it will just act like a solid and will still be a liquid. I suggest you make two different elements having proper states and use the that instead of such hacks.

    5th Aug 2022 Member 0 Permalink

    @Cracker1000 (View Post)

     yes, i wast thinking just about making another element like:

    when CALC is touching WATR it turns into HCAL (hardended version) or smth like that

    Edited once by ANTERELLOYT. Last: 5th Aug 2022