SUGAR powder element will have light bending, light emitting, opacity, merc/deut, cotton candy properties
1. SUGAR will bend PHOT to the left relative to PHOT
2. SUGAR will have a chance to emit cyan/blue PHOT if collided with another SUGAR
3. SUGAR will have opacity that depends on its life, 100 life is 90% opacity 0 life is 10% opacity
4. SUGAR will have merc/deut compressing property not depending on the heat but more on the pressure
SUGAR will have a chance to split into 2 SUGAR with 0,5 of its life if its temp is above 393.15K or 120C (temp-393.15*0.01) 1 is 100% 0 is 0% also will compress until its life is 100 if its below 393.15K or 120C
5. SUGAR will bond with other SUGAR if both tmp is low and will have less gravity unlike soap those bonds will have collision and will strech until its too long then its gone
Cotton candy idea is legitimately pretty interesting but sounds hard to implement, especially if combined with all the other features. Would require a network of breakable spring joints (and even then collision between joints sounds pretty hard), which sounds like it could be hard to fit inside the element properties we have now. Might be a fun element for a mod though
what i meant by will strech until its too long is not a spring joint but a joint that allows the any movement and gets destroyed when its too long