cursor bug

  • Ayeeeee199
    3rd Jul 2022 Member 0 Permalink

    hello i have found a bug in the powder toy and i am not sure if it is fixable or is just part of the game.


    when i move my mouse around the screen, the powder toy cursor has a big delay in following the path of my actual cursor. it is like i have two cursors following the same path but at different times. how do i fix this and has anyone ever come across such a thing? i have an average framerate of 45fps with a clear save, but the framerate has never affected the actual powder toy cursor for me, even on 1fps the circle in the game never lags but now it does. i have no clue what has caused this. 

  • LBPHacker
    3rd Jul 2022 Developer 0 Permalink
    You mean the brush outline, and that is definitely affected by FPS and may lag along with the rest of the game. Nothing unexpected.
  • Ayeeeee199
    3rd Jul 2022 Member 0 Permalink

    @LBPHacker (View Post)

     this has never happened to me though even with the craziest of lag.

  • LBPHacker
    3rd Jul 2022 Developer 0 Permalink
    Yeah I get that you don't remember it happening, but the code makes it impossible for the brush outline to be unaffected by lag. That's all I can say.
  • Ayeeeee199
    3rd Jul 2022 Member 0 Permalink


  • kiro_wofl
    5th February Member 0 Permalink

    i get this issue on my new phone even with 0 lag, whereas i never had this issue on my old phone