How to goo animate on mobile?

  • Powderrr
    29th May 2022 Member 0 Permalink

    Please tell me how... if it isn't possible on mobile, then tell me how in pc...

  • ArolaunTech
    1st Jun 2022 Member 0 Permalink

    so first get some EHOLE, and then layer goo on top with different life and deco. If you put a square of 
    GOO that is decoed red and has a life of 0 (never decays) and then put a square of GOO with a life of 300 (decays in about 5 seconds, depends on FPS), and is decoed yellow, then you will get an animation with a yellow square which turns red after 5 seconds.


    If you don't put EHOLE, any long GOO animation will just turn into BHOL instead of making video.


    There's a Lua script which does the thing for you.