Hi, I'm working on my first attempt at a computer in TPT. I just have a simple issue that I'm having a difficult time resolving, and I'm hoping someone with better knowledge of subframe tricks can help!
The problem is, I need to activate a DRAY using an ARAY for one frame, and it has to be one pixel tall. Here's an image to help with context: (things unrelated to the problem have been decoed black for visual clarity)
The purple FILT at the top is the input, the output is the red FILT along the right side, the ARAYs are along the left side under the CONV, and the DRAY is under the CONV at the right.
Essentially, I'm attempting to copy the purple FILT into a specific pixel in the red FILT. The addressing works perfectly, unfortunately at this orientation I can't figure out how to activate the DRAY since the CONV just sets the SPRK back to PSCN before it has a chance to reach life 3.
To simplify, I need an arrangement like this:
But I can't figure out how to make this work in subframe. Does anyone know a trick for this? Or do I just have to redesign in a different orientation?
EDIT: Okay, for some reason the image I posted disappeared.