compiling error

  • silverwolfgod
    21st Apr 2022 Member 0 Permalink

    whenever I type in "cd The-Powder-Toy" into x64 native tools I keep getting the error "the directory name is invalid." What should I do and what is this command used for?


    [edit] Due to the boxes fitting around the code, I did not think to scroll down and missed a piece of code. after redoing this, the code works.

    Edited 2 times by silverwolfgod. Last: 15th Dec 2022
  • LBPHacker
    21st Apr 2022 Developer 1 Permalink
    See cd on wikipedia.

    cd The-Powder-Toy is supposed to "take you" (read the wikipedia article!) from where the previous cd call (read our compiling guide again!) did. The previous call, cd /d [wherever you keep your repositories], is supposed to take you to the folder into which you've cloned TPT.

    If you don't understand what cd does, you should have gotten stuck on that first command, so I'll have to assume that you just skipped that one and went straight to the one you posted about. Please don't do that.
  • minecraft-physics
    21st Apr 2022 Member 0 Permalink
    cd means change directory, i.e. "move" into a new folder. What OS are you running?
  • jacob1
    21st Apr 2022 Developer 0 Permalink
    This is on windows.

    I would just double check you typed it correctly. But also make sure you are in the right place, the guide tells you to "cd /d [my directory]". After this, typing "dir" should show a folder called "The-Powder-Toy", if it doesn't then you aren't in the right place.
    Edited once by jacob1. Last: 21st Apr 2022
  • silverwolfgod
    21st Apr 2022 Member 0 Permalink

    After searching my files, I could not find the folder called the powder toy. The only item That I could find is Powder.exe. was I supposed to find another item when I installed Powder toy? And the os that I am running is windows 10.

    Edited once by silverwolfgod. Last: 21st Apr 2022
  • jacob1
    22nd Apr 2022 Developer 0 Permalink
    Ok so are you trying to install powder toy, or are you trying to compile and develop a mod?

    TPT doesn't need to be installed, simply download it from here -

    If you are trying to develop a mod, you need to follow the wiki guide.
  • silverwolfgod
    22nd Apr 2022 Member 0 Permalink

    I am trying to develop a mod, and also is this the wiki giude?

  • jacob1
    22nd Apr 2022 Developer 0 Permalink
    Yes, that is the guide. Please make sure you follow every step and don't skip any. You made it sound like you hadn't installed or downloaded anything besides Powder.exe. The guide will walk you through downloading the source code with git and compiling it with msvc or Visual Studio.
  • silverwolfgod
    23rd Apr 2022 Member 0 Permalink

    Ihave followed the guide but keep getting this error message:

    C:\Users\name\Downloads\powder>cd The-Powder-Toy
    The system cannot find the path specified.

  • jacob1
    23rd Apr 2022 Developer 0 Permalink
    Where did you clone the source code to? You need to cd into the folder with the source code.
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